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Search Results for: books

10 Things that Make You Look and Feel Older than You Are

By Alisa Sabin July 06, 2022

Is age really just a number? Sometimes it feels like it and sometimes it seems uncompromisingly set in stone. Everyone would like to look and feel younger, but how do we do this? It is probably easier to point out the things that make us look…

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How to Live an Extraordinary Life at Any Age

By Michael MacDonald June 29, 2022

What does living an extraordinary life mean to you? World travel? Sky diving? Writing a best-selling novel? These life experiences and accomplishments are exciting. But what about all of the life in between these peak experiences? Don’t we want each day to be extraordinary?

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The Post-Menopausal Artist – Never Too Late to Start Doing Something You Love

By Elena Karplus June 24, 2022

I think of myself as a “post-menopausal artist.” I was a little over 60 when I surprised myself and started painting. I walked into an art supplies store and bought some acrylic paint, paper, and brushes…

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Discovering the Power of Words in 4 Generations of Women

By Liz Kitchens June 23, 2022

I’m pretty psyched. I completed what turned out to be the fourth or even fifth, actually more likely the fifteenth, set of revisions on my book. It has been a three-year project, and I have my community to thank for this feat…

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6 Ways to Adopt a Daily Self-Care Routine After 60

By Molly Wisniewski June 23, 2022

Society today is all about giving. Giving your time to a job, offering resources to a cause, giving your attention to the needs of family and friends. And while these things can be rewarding, it leaves little time for us to focus on our own needs…

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Why Your Resting Heart Rate Should Be Your Best Friend

By Verla Fortier June 22, 2022

There is so much your resting heart rate can tell you – it can predict illness, help you manage your stress, and even save your life. Our bodies are complex systems. It is impossible to know what is going on below the surface, below our level of awareness…

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Trigger Warnings – Should We Be Aware That Death Is Part of the Story?

By Ann Boland June 21, 2022

Whether we pick up a book or go to see a play, we don’t always know what the plot is all about. And sometimes that makes it even more interesting. But is that always the case? Here I offer my thoughts on three works:

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Being Carefree After 60

By Joanie Marx June 20, 2022

How many times have you said to yourself or to others that you cannot afford to be carefree? From responsibilities at work, at home, or to care for others, for many women of our generation, the idea of being carefree took a backseat…

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Before You Go… Ask Yourself if You Are REALLY Ready

By Marie Burns June 20, 2022

Are you ready for some stress-free summer travels? What favorite summer vacations do you remember from childhood? Any “trips to remember” stories? As a kid, we had no worries, no stress, just jumped in the vehicle when it was time to leave, right?

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Tough Career Ending? Bounce Back and Get Ready for Retirement!

By Becki Cohn-Vargas June 20, 2022

I am not the only person I know in my 60s who had a bad work experience at the end of their career. One friend was in his hospital bed after cancer surgery when his boss told him he was being forced to retire. Another friend worked…

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