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Search Results for: music

Best Hearing Aids 2022

By Jessica Thomas January 02, 2022

Buying hearing aids can be a challenging process. The market is flooded with options with vastly different features and varied price points. As a result, trying to pick out which hearing aid is best for you and your unique needs can be difficult. Even though many hearing aids have similar features, reviews suggest that some […]

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Getting Started with Movement? Here Are Types of Workouts You Can Try

By Elaine Economou December 25, 2021

Carrie Bradshaw once asked: “Why are we should-ing all over ourselves?” There are so many ‘shoulds’ in our vocabulary for fitness and movement. We should do cardio exercise for heart health and to burn calories. We should do yoga to stretch…

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5 Fabulous Ways to Reinvent Your Life and Create Body Confidence at 60+!

By Astrid Longhurst December 22, 2021

As I thought back to my mother’s generation, I was shocked at how “ageist” many people were back then. Or, maybe it was simply the fact that there weren’t many role models for women (and men) who were thriving and doing things differently…

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How to Deal with Estranged Family During the Holidays

By Marie Morin December 19, 2021

Family estrangement for women in their 60s is more common than you think. About 70 million people in the United States report experiencing estrangement from one or more family members. For some, estrangement is a choice due to self-preservation…

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Surviving the Holiday Season When Living Alone

By Lisa Copeland December 17, 2021

Holidays can be rough during normal times. As the pandemic continues, feelings of isolation and loneliness can really get intensified during the holiday season as more and more lockdowns are happening again around the world. It’s so easy to get into a funk…

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3 Tips for Staying Positive Despite the Restrictions

By Patrick O'Malley December 13, 2021

I want to share three quick tips with you to help you stay positive over the coming months. Whether you are in lockdown, concerned about the possibility of future restrictions, or just missing family or friends that you can’t see in person…

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No Money for Gifts? Be Mindful Instead

By Kathleen Sinclair December 11, 2021

The holidays always seem to come around when thy bank account is low. It never fails, extra bills make their way into my mailbox around November. I’m not claiming this from a negative position, I’m actually a fairly positive human being…

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Eva Cohn’s Lessons on Resilience and Healing in Times of Hardship

By Becki Cohn-Vargas November 27, 2021

If you’ve lived to reach your 60s, most likely you’re a resilient person who has been around the block a few times. Take a minute to think back to a time in your life when you faced a tragic or a traumatic experience. How did you manage to survive and move forward?

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Boredom in Retirement: 3 Strategies “The Monk Dude” Urges Us to Explore

By Nancy Fagan November 27, 2021

Did you know that depression is the number one complaint of newly retired women? In fact, boredom is a key symptom. Mistakenly, many women turn to different forms of distraction (TV or Internet surfing) to feel better…

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Living a Full, Passionate Life in the Years Beyond 60

By Christine Field November 26, 2021

When you were growing up, there’s a good chance that your parents told you, “You could be whatever you want when you grow up.” It’s something that most of us hear at some point in our lives. That’s all well and good when you’re a child…

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