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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Breaking Free: The Pitfalls of Labels, Levels, and Righteousness

By Diane Bruno March 18, 2024

If you are anything like me, you recall a time when lively debate was not only welcomed but celebrated – a time when the exchange of ideas was seen as the perfect avenue for growth, learning, and understanding. Each of us possesses a unique…

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4 Ways to Jumpstart Your Retired Life When You Feel Stuck

By Marcia Smalley March 18, 2024

Retirement is full of promise. We begin with lists, plans, goals… everything we’ve been waiting to do. And off we go! Then, somewhere along the line, we stall. Or we plateau. Boxes have been checked off. Goals have been met. Inertia sets in…

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Beauty Starts at Your Feet! 4 Ways to Care for Your Feet After 60 (And 6 Painful Conditions to Avoid)

By Dami Roelse March 17, 2024

For women, the question “Do I look good?” points at appearance, body shape, face, and hair. We use make-up and skin care to hide blemishes, change our facial color, accentuate the eyes and mouth…

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How to Relieve the Woes of Back Pain with 4 Exercises (and 3 Mistakes You Should Never Make)

By Jessica Hegg March 17, 2024

Back pain tends to be one of the most common issues people over 60 face, and it’s due to the degeneration of joints in the spine. Some of the most common causes…

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Nurturing Sisterhood After 60: Celebrating, Connecting, and Supporting Each Other

By Deborah Voll March 16, 2024

In a world where relationships are often measured by digital connections, the strength of bonds formed by women after the age of 60 is nothing short of inspiring. Beyond the confines of societal expectations and stereotypes, women find solace…

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9 Pilgrimage Walks for Women Over 60

By Sandra Roussy March 16, 2024

Have you been thinking of doing a pilgrimage walk? More and more women over 60 are slipping into their hiking boots and heading out to do long pilgrimage walks. Pilgrimage walks are multi-day walks taken for personal, spiritual, or religious reasons…

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Claim Your Inner Selfie

By Kay Van Norman March 15, 2024

Social media is the land of the selfie, and I’m sure there are entire research disciplines devoted to figuring out that phenomenon! I’ve never been a fan, but recently have been contemplating the concept of an inner self…

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Are You Ready to Take a Break – from Alcohol?

By Janet Gourand March 15, 2024

Many of us start drinking during our 20s and 30s – to socialise and have fun. As we get older, some of us switch to using a glass (or two) or wine in the evening to relax or to relieve stress. The evolution from “socialising” to “self-medicating” has begun…

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Have You Heard of the Handgrip Dynamometer Strength Test? It Can Influence Your Future!

By Lynn Perkes March 15, 2024

Throughout our lives we participate in various health/medical screenings to see if we have, or are at risk for developing, certain health conditions or diseases. We participate in screenings for our blood pressure, glucose levels, cholesterol values…

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I Am Not My Body, Are You?

By Marie Burns March 14, 2024

Not long ago, I came across the best sentence I have ever read related to lifestyle. It made me smile and then laugh. And now I have it posted on my Vision Board, in my calendar, on my bathroom mirror, in the kitchen, in my wallet and on my computer monitor…

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