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5 Things Living in Italy Taught Me About Looking and Feeling Younger

By Penelope Jane Whiteley September 18, 2016

I swear, since I have lived in Florence, I have aged 10 years! Read More

6 Ideas for Creating Cash Flow and Escaping Ageism in the Workplace

By Penelope Jane Whiteley August 17, 2016

It’s interesting to note how governments are universally at pains to promote the employment of the over 50’s. They aim to keep them working as long as possible.

Is this to prevent governments having to pay pensions? Or are they beginning to understand that people over 50, are no longer old? Personally, I think it’s the former. Read More

Surprising Tips for Retiring Abroad from Two Women Who Took the Plunge (Video)

By Margaret Manning July 04, 2016

No matter how much you plan, retiring abroad is a shock to the system. I still remember arriving in Switzerland. Pink suitcase in hand, I weaved my way through the airport, my head spinning with unfamiliar sights and sounds. I was completely overwhelmed with emotions – excitement, fear, curiosity and many others. Read More

A Grumpy Guide to Retirement

By Carol Wyer June 08, 2016

So finally you have reached the age of retirement. All those years of anticipation, of looking forward to lie-ins, loafing about the garden, travelling to places you have never visited before and endless fun-filled days with your friends. That was until you realised your pension wasn’t as much as you hoped for and those destinations you fancied visiting are off the list or filled with lager-swilling louts and their noisy families…

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Amending Our Process: Crafting Apologies that Heal, Part 2

By Becki Cohn-Vargas May 14, 2016

In the first part of this blog, we learned two ways to apologize, expressing regret and taking responsibility from Chapman’s work on The Five Languages of Apology.

Here we learn the other three more ways to apologize: making restitution, repentance or commitment to change, and asking for forgiveness. I am proud to share my sister’s article and so lucky to have a wonderful sister and be so close to her. Here is the second part of her article… Read More

4 Ways Travel Feeds Your Body, Mind and Soul as an Older Adult

By Margaret Manning May 10, 2016

I have always loved to travel. I experienced my first wild and wonderful Atlantic crossing, on the Queen Elizabeth, when I was only 8-years-old. Read More

Losing Your Voice in Your 50s… and Getting it Back in Your 60s

By Penelope Jane Whiteley May 06, 2016

Here I sit, all dressed up and nowhere to go! I was going to Positano, which, for those of you interested, is a bus ride from Salerno to Amalfi and then another bus ride or a ferry to Positano. It even sounds wonderful! Read More

Amending Our Process: Crafting Apologies that Heal, Part 1

By Becki Cohn-Vargas April 28, 2016

I recently published a blog on the Five Languages of Love, based on the work of Gary Chapman for Sixty and Me. Subsequently, I discovered that my sister, also an author and therapist, had written an article on the Five Languages of Apology, also based on his work. I am so happy to be able to share it here on Sixty and Me. Here’s what she said… Read More

Are You Ready to Try House Sitting? Here’s How to Find Out

By Jane and Duncan Dempster-Smith April 06, 2016

House sitting has been around for years. Maybe you assisted your family and friends by feeding their pets, looking after their homes and collecting their mail whilst they were away.

So why is “house sitting” the new buzz word when we have been doing it for years? Read More

5 Personality Traits that Facilitate Healthy Aging

By Margaret Manning February 28, 2016

Despite all of our advances in science and technology, the biological basis of healthy aging is still a mystery. There can be little doubt that genetics plays a role in how we experience the aging process, but, exactly how this works is largely unclear. Read More