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Search Results for: music

15 Short Book Reviews for Prolific Readers

By Ann Boland January 28, 2023

This reading binge takes me down the rabbit hole of 17th century history, European and American. I’m amazed reading European history that the colonies are mentioned as an afterthought. They were successful commercial…

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To Date or Not to Date, Is That Really the Question?

By Maggie Marangione January 27, 2023

I have been divorced for 15 years and in that time period I have had three two-year relationships and many dates. Relationship #1 ended in his unexpected death. #2 ended because he bored me into a coma, #3 was with a musician 13 years younger…

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5 Ways to Reinvent Yourself as a Long-Distance Grandma, While Getting to Know Your Grandkids Better

By Lois Carter Crawford January 25, 2023

In today’s world – with grandparents living far away from their grandkids, and grandparents often needing to work well into what should be their retirement years – what can we do to reinvent grandma and make good connections with our grandchildren?

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Does Thinking About Your Life Drive You Crazy?

By Danna Walker January 20, 2023

As a person with more years behind me than ahead, I am constantly reading and hearing about fulfilling my goals, living a good life, reimagining “this one life we’ve been given” and generally making these final years count…

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Piano Lesson 1: Let Our Classes Begin

By Gaili Schoen January 18, 2023

If you have always wanted to learn how to play the piano, regretted quitting piano lessons, or have heard that playing a musical instrument keeps your brain sharp, today our Free Video Piano Classes are beginning, and I hope you will join the fun!

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Help! My Husband’s Retired and He’s Driving Me Nuts!

By Stacey Dehmer January 14, 2023

Finally, the day we’ve been working toward arrived. Both of us retired. Ever since I left the workforce 10 years ago, we’ve dreamed of the days when my husband would join me. We imagined leisurely days we could spend together doing…

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6 Ways Being 60 Takes You Back to the 60s

By Deborah Drezon Carroll January 13, 2023

There’s a lot to love about being in your 60s. And, if you are 60, you may remember the 1960s. That may depend on how many mind-altering experiences you had in the 1960s, however. These two “60s” have a great deal in common…

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10 Tricks to Squeeze Exercise into Your Day in Your 60s

By Ann Marie Mershon January 08, 2023

Would you rather read a book than take a walk? Do you prefer cooking to working out? Well, you’re not alone. We all know exercise is important for our health, yet only 20% of the population get regular, adequate exercise…

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The Forgotten Key to Well-Being and What We Can Do About It

By Gloria Thiessen January 06, 2023

There’s an ancient saying that goes something like this: What we give our attention to, grows. If our attention goes to the relentless need to do it all and to please everyone along the way, over time living this way will come at the expense of our health…

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How to Listen to a Podcast

By Pam Lamp January 05, 2023

Recently, I began to sheepishly tell friends about the project I’d been working on for the last several months. To supplement my blog, Who I Met Today, a podcast (same name) launches on January 13. As I spread the word, I received a mixed bag…

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