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Search Results for: downsize

Moving to New Home Later in Life: Preparing to Move

By Peter Keers December 10, 2023

Moving after age 50 differs from your younger days when you could recruit a friend with a pickup truck and pay with pizza and beer. Moving later in life presents a more significant logistical challenge. For one thing, you probably have more stuff…

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How I Went from Downsizing to Minimalism

By Lynn Clare November 28, 2023

I began my downsizing journey many years ago. I found that it is more of an ongoing process than an event. Even though there were many events within the process, it was always focused around the removal of things. All of those cherished possessions…

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How to Know If Downsizing Is the Right Thing to Do

By Jennifer Thompson November 24, 2023

Richard and Jane Brown sold their four-bedroom home in the suburbs. And moved into a new two-bedroom condominium. In their 60s and still active, they chose this condominium for its amenities. It was two blocks from the ocean…

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How to Tweak Your Holiday Traditions for Less Stress and More Fun

By Elaine Ambrose November 16, 2023

Somehow the month of May instantly became November, and it’s time to prepare for the holidays. I’ve followed the regular rituals of the season for several decades, but this year I intend to change the frantic schedule and reduce or eliminate…

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5 Gifts for Elderly Parents Who Seem to Have Everything they Need

By Anthony Cirillo November 15, 2023

Let’s face it. The older someone gets, the harder it is to buy holiday gifts for him or her. How many sweaters and ties do you need after all? My wife and I stopped exchanging gifts because frankly, we get what we need all year round!

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Downsizing Your Shoes – How to Walk Away from a Footwear Obsession!

By Margaret Manning November 06, 2023

Most of my girlfriends have warned me that shoes would be the hardest category of clothing to reduce. My friend Maureen says she’d have trouble choosing 100 pairs from her collection of shoes – and trust me, she can pull off the most amazing…

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Downsizing Is Really All About Embracing Three Little Magic Words

By Margaret Manning October 05, 2023

A minimalist lifestyle is relatively easy to achieve if all you ever say is the word no. It is so simple to say. No, I won’t buy that new dress or No, I won’t accept that gift, or in my case, No, I won’t buy more bangles. No, I won’t complicate my existence…

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A Comprehensive Guide to House Sharing: Making Your Home Roommate-Ready

By Rita Wilkins September 24, 2023

House sharing can add a lot of fun and adventure to your life. It can also be a huge challenge if you’re not prepared. To make sure you and your roommates are comfortable, it’s important to make sure your home is roommate-ready. This comprehensive guide…

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Moving to New Home Later in Life: Things to Consider

By Peter Keers September 18, 2023

No matter how far you move, much work is involved. However, the further you move, the greater the effort in terms of cost, time and stress. Moving close to your current home allows you to keep some of your established patterns…

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Do You Really Need More Stuff? How Image Substitutes Can Improve Your Life

By Margaret Manning September 13, 2023

I love daisies. If you ask me to name my favorite flower, a daisy is always my answer. Roses, tulips, and poppies are never mentioned, although I “like” them too. My simple flower choice is always a daisy. Ask me what my favorite scent is, I will reply sandalwood…

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