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Search Results for: downsize

Downsize and Declutter to Find Freedom and Happiness after 60

By Sixty and Me August 25, 2019

Does it ever feel like the stuff in your life is… well… taking over your life? Do you want to start decluttering or even downsizing, but, you don’t know where to start? Then, today’s video is for you! In this morning’s video, I want to share some tips for how to get control of your […]

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How I Reinvented Myself After I Was Downsized by Becoming an ESL Teacher

By Elizabeth Dunkel June 19, 2016

This is a story with a happy ending. However, when I began the “journey” I had no idea I would be so happy. Read More

What I Learned About Downsizing and Condo Living – The Inside Scoop

By Pat Skene April 26, 2024

I realized early in the process that downsizing from my big-ass house and moving to a condo wasn’t going to be easy. Although it was the right decision at the time, I was overwhelmed by the jaw-clenching enormity of the job. So I did the only sensible…

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Yikes, I Need a New Sofa at Age 82

By Ann Richardson April 19, 2024

When I was young, I used to think that things sort-of worked out in the course of a life. I mean things, like your pots and pans and your cutlery and your living room furniture. I imagined you bought all this stuff when you were young and then they were just…

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What 3 Weeks Organizing My Photos Taught Me About Downsizing

By Jane and Duncan Dempster-Smith March 26, 2024

Are you downsizing? Did you struggle with some of your favorite possessions? Have you thought about downsizing your photos? One of our downsizing challenges was 60+ years of photos were stored in 5 large plastic storage containers that needed two people…

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The Too Big, Too Hard, Too Sad House

By Sherry Bronson March 11, 2024

Aging brings many surprises. Sometimes, it’s a slow advance. It creeps up; a twinge, almost imperceptible the first time. Then a creak. We start slowing down to accommodate new aches, encroaching weariness, and shorter…

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The Power of Sacred Symbols in Your Home

By Heidi Smith March 01, 2024

Years ago, I found a pair of beautiful, hand-carved, wooden angel wings in an antique shop. I bought them as a decorative accessory, but, strangely, could never find the right place for them in my spacious home. I tried them on several walls…

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The Hidden Life-Changing Power of Decluttering

By Rita Wilkins February 09, 2024

Who could have guessed that the cathartic process of purging and decluttering one woman’s home one drawer, one closet, one room at a time could change the direction and trajectory of life forever? What began as an attempt to help…

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How to Let Go of Your Original Art Collection and Paint Memories in Your Heart Instead

By Margaret Manning January 26, 2024

When we put together a list of things we want to experience in our lives before we die, there is one thing that is often included. Many people long for a portrait of themselves – painted with something long-lasting and memorable – oils, watercolors or pastels…

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How Learning to Simplify Can Help You Define Your Unique and Personal Style

By Margaret Manning December 18, 2023

As women who are aging beautifully, one of our goals is to finally settle on our personal and unique style. What defines us; what clothes look great on us; what people enrich and inspire us; which colors make us feel energized and comfortable…

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