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Search Results for: declutter

The Art of Decluttering: How to Do It While Keeping Your Sanity and Having Fun

By Anthony Cirillo March 05, 2020

Most people want to age in the home they have. According to AARP, three out of four people 50-plus want to stay in their homes and communities as they age…

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Downsize and Declutter to Find Freedom and Happiness after 60

By Sixty and Me August 25, 2019

Does it ever feel like the stuff in your life is… well… taking over your life? Do you want to start decluttering or even downsizing, but, you don’t know where to start? Then, today’s video is for you! In this morning’s video, I want to share some tips for how to get control of your […]

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Downsizing and Recycling Trend: Save the World While Decluttering Your Life

By Cheryl Therrien February 04, 2019

There appears to be no doubt about it. More and more of us are downsizing as we grow older. We don’t need or want the maintenance of a large home.

The prospect of downsizing means thinking about how many of our material things we really do use. What do we do with the things we do not want to take in a move to a smaller home? Think about recycling. Read More

5 Tips to Help You Declutter with Poise – Even When You’re a Pack Rat

By Debra Englander October 02, 2018

Cleaning out an apartment or house is a stressful process, regardless of the reason. It’s not much fun sorting through possessions when you’re moving or renovating. Read More

Downsizing Can Be Fun! Lessons from Joyful Decluttering

By Michele Meier Vosberg January 05, 2018

Do you live in a beautiful clutter-free space? Many of us aspire to live in a stress-free, orderly home. We seriously undertake an occasional decluttering marathon. Read More

One More (Controversial) Reason to Declutter After 60

By Margaret Manning November 25, 2017

In the past, when I have talked about downsizing, I did so from the perspective of getting more from life after 60. Why? Because, when we get rid of the things that don’t really matter, we make room for the things and people that do. Well, today, I want to take a slightly different take on this topic. I’d love to talk about decluttering in order to make sure that our loved ones don’t have to deal with additional stress if something unexpected happens to us. I realize that this is a controversial topic, but, I’d love to get your thoughts on this! Have you downsized or decluttered recently? Why or why not?

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How to Declutter Your Home the Quick and Easy Way

By Margaret Manning November 21, 2016

One of the best decisions I ever made was to declutter my home. A few years ago, I decided that I had had enough of the clutter in my closets and the boxes in my basement. So, I digitized most of my photos, gave away boxes of clothes to charity and sold my old electronic equipment on eBay. It was the best decision that I ever made! If you are thinking about downsizing – or just want to declutter a bit – I have some tips to help you along the way. Join me as I share the highlights from Karen Kingston’s article, “How to Declutter Your Home, 20-Minutes at a Time.” Come join us for a cup of tea (or coffee) and a chat. And, if you enjoy the show, please tell one friend about us today. Your support means so much to me! Read More

Second Home: An Investment and Income Opportunity

By Peter Keers May 06, 2024

The decision to purchase a second home triggers a host of follow-up decisions, many of them financial. Of course, there is the question of how to pay for the home and the many ongoing costs of owning a real estate asset. That huge subject…

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Daring Greatly: 6 Inspirations to Uplift Yourself from a “Bad Hair Day” or Unpleasant Encounters

By Beate Schilcher May 04, 2024

Today, I had a metaphorical “bad hair day”: an unpleasant encounter with a disrespectful person who tried to rip me off. While dealing with anger and disbelief, and trying to restore my peace of mind, powerful words by Theodore Roosevelt came to my mind…

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What I Learned About Downsizing and Condo Living – The Inside Scoop

By Pat Skene April 26, 2024

I realized early in the process that downsizing from my big-ass house and moving to a condo wasn’t going to be easy. Although it was the right decision at the time, I was overwhelmed by the jaw-clenching enormity of the job. So I did the only sensible…

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