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Search Results for: yoga

Begin a Lasting Commitment to Brain Health

By Kay Van Norman January 25, 2023

I’ve been thinking about New Year’s resolutions and know from experience that it’s one thing to intend to do something and quite another to actually commit to a specific action or outcome.
Take brain health for example…

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Embracing a Different Kind of Bad-Ass Aging

By Maggie Marangione January 18, 2023

I got old too soon. I know what you are thinking, don’t we all. But I really did, or at least I felt like I did. Menopause at 46, debilitating arthritis that is causing my joints to be replaced, and let’s not even begin to talk about what happened to my middle…

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6 Ways Being 60 Takes You Back to the 60s

By Deborah Drezon Carroll January 13, 2023

There’s a lot to love about being in your 60s. And, if you are 60, you may remember the 1960s. That may depend on how many mind-altering experiences you had in the 1960s, however. These two “60s” have a great deal in common…

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A Sedentary Lifestyle Killed My Mom. Don’t Let This Happen to You!

By Cindy Roe Littlejohn January 10, 2023

Around her mid-60s, Mama decided that she had worked enough and she completely stopped. She embraced a sedentary lifestyle and spent the long days watching TV from her recliner or sleeping in her bed. This was not the mama…

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What Made You Laugh Today?

By Karen Spencer January 08, 2023

When my husband and have meals with our grandchildren, we often have a favorite game we play at the dinner table. We call it ‘the mad, sad, glad’ game. I highly recommend it. The rules are quite simple. We begin by going around the table…

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10 Tricks to Squeeze Exercise into Your Day in Your 60s

By Ann Marie Mershon January 08, 2023

Would you rather read a book than take a walk? Do you prefer cooking to working out? Well, you’re not alone. We all know exercise is important for our health, yet only 20% of the population get regular, adequate exercise…

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The Forgotten Key to Well-Being and What We Can Do About It

By Gloria Thiessen January 06, 2023

There’s an ancient saying that goes something like this: What we give our attention to, grows. If our attention goes to the relentless need to do it all and to please everyone along the way, over time living this way will come at the expense of our health…

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What To Wear at a Retreat – Outfits to Inspire You

By Sandra Roussy January 04, 2023

Sometimes we simply need to get away from it all and take some time for ourselves. Retreats and spas are great ways to unwind and practice mindfulness. Are you heading out to a retreat? Will this be your first retreat? A retreat can be anything…

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6 Tips to Safely Get Back into Exercise, Even if It’s Been a While!

By Aubrey Reinmiller January 01, 2023

It’s been a while since you have been in a regular exercise routine, life was busy. But you are tired of feeling blah, tired of a few extra pounds especially in the middle, tired of the laundry list of aches and pains, and tired of not feeling like yourself!

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Start Your Morning with a 3-Step KISS Routine to Age Well

By Joan Craig December 28, 2022

Welcome new year! You may be thinking about your health and wellness goals. You may have a lot of them, and you realize that if you spread yourself too thin, you will not be successful…

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