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Search Results for: resilience

Want to Start a Business After 60? Ask Yourself these 6 Questions First!

By Margaret Manning April 23, 2014

Women over 60 have a strong independent streak. When we were younger, we used the word “freedom” in a carefree way. It defined a lifestyle. We were free to wear bohemian clothes, free to travel cross country or to choose unconventional lifestyles. Read More

Why I Love My Invisibility Cloak – And Why I’m Taking It Off

By Margaret Manning April 01, 2014

Women, especially older women, often feel invisible. Like many women, I spoke out in the 1960s. I pushed hard to build a career in a “man’s world” and I started the Sixty and Me community to give women over 60 a voice. Read More

Movie Club: Calendar Girls, Directed by Nigel Cole

By Margaret Manning March 01, 2014

We all love Helen Mirren and Julie Walters, and Calendar Girls is a movie that offers their wonderful on screen chemistry and so much more! The entire cast is absolutely fabulous! It is funny, authentic, touching, sad, inspiring and just plain entertaining – everything a great movie should be!

Released in 2003, “Calendar Girls” is a timeless story of creative resilience and friendship. Women in the Sixty and Me community gave it such a positive recommendation that I wanted to feature it as this week’s Movie Choice. Read More

Starting a Business After 60? Begin with Your Mindset

By Margaret Manning January 13, 2014

As women in our 60s, we have demonstrated our resourcefulness and resilience throughout our lives. We’ve become experts at doing things for the first time. We’ve earned degrees, raised families, managed our careers and travelled alone. We have proven again and again that we are masters of reinvention.

Now as we reach our 60s, many of us are facing our greatest challenge yet – how to survive and thrive without a job. One option is Read More

6 Ways to Build Healthy Family Relationships that Stand the Test of Time

By Margaret Manning October 28, 2013

One of the unique challenges of getting older is that our family relationships and family dynamics change with the passage of time. As a result, many women over 60 might find themselves navigating some uncertain emotional territory with their family relationships. Read More

4 Destructive Loans to Avoid in Retirement

By Margaret Manning July 23, 2013

Women over 60 are often trying to take care of so many people in our lives – we give of ourselves, our time, our talents, and our money. Whether that means buying gifts for grandchildren, supporting a spouse who might have lost a job, or even supporting grown children who have trouble finding a job or affording a house, many women over 60 are generous to the point that we forget to look out for ourselves first. Read More

Reinventing Your Life After 60 – Prill Boyle (Video)

By Margaret Manning July 07, 2013

Prill Boyle is my latest fabulous guest on the Sixty and Me Show. As an author, speaker, writer and TV host, Prill believes that age truly is just a number. She has spent her career interviewing, writing about and promoting the achievements of hundreds of ‘ordinary’ women who have done extraordinary things in their lives. Read More

Lost Your Job? Don’t Panic. Here’s How to Restart Your Career After 50

By Margaret Manning March 15, 2013

Losing a job is always stressful. Many women over 60 have had careers filled with brilliant highs and terrifying lows, failures mixed with glowing achievements and recognition. But today, the impermanence of the workplace doesn’t linger on the positive but pushes employers and employees into a less connected and committed relationship. Read More