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Search Results for: resilience

International Women’s Day 2016: Celebrating the “Normal” Women Who Influenced Us

By Margaret Manning March 08, 2016

When we think about International Women’s Day, our thoughts usual go to famous women throughout history. Perhaps we think about the achievements of scientists like Marie Curie (1867-1934) or Jane Goodall (1934), who challenged stereotypes, while making the world a better place. Read More

Embrace Perseverance and Get More from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning January 16, 2016

Have you recently experienced a loss or failed at something that was important to you? Many women have been through a divorce, lost a job, been betrayed, or made a bad financial decision. Almost all of us have failed to achieve goals that we set for ourselves. This is a part of life, but, it doesn’t make the pain any easier to manage. Read More

How to Be Happier this New Year in 6 Easy Steps

By Margaret Manning January 01, 2016

What does happiness mean to you?

Often when people are young, we have a rather regimented idea of happiness – we might have thought, when we were younger, “I’ll be happy when I get to a certain place in my career,” or “I’ll be happy when I win the approval and esteem of my friends,” or “I’ll be happy when I can fit into that beautiful dress at the store,” or “I’ll be happy when I get to go on that nice vacation next summer.” Read More

6 Life-Changing New Year’s Resolutions for Women Over 60

By Margaret Manning December 26, 2015

If there’s one characteristic that many women over 60 seem to possess in abundance, it’s our sense of resilience and dynamism. Women over 60 have witnessed massive changes in society and in ourselves during the course of our lives.

As we approach another New Year, it’s time to take stock of what else we might like to change in our lives by setting some New Year’s resolutions. Read More

What Prill Boyle Taught Me About Getting the Most from Life After 60

By Margaret Manning October 16, 2015

Many women over 60 have secret dreams about what they would like to do with their lives. Some want to travel to exotic places and learn new things. Others dream of starting new business projects or exploring their passions. While there are many women who succeed in building their dream life after 60, still more never reach their potential. Read More

6 Inspiring Actresses Over 60 Who Are Known for More than Their Looks

By Margaret Manning September 29, 2015

Female celebrities are often in the spotlight for how beautiful they look. So, perhaps it’s no surprise that when actresses over 60 are in the news, it is often behind headlines like “6 Actresses Over 60 Who Still Look Great!” Read More

Is City Living Making us Lonely After 50?

By Margaret Manning September 10, 2015

The Baby Boomer generation is aging differently than previous generations, and one example of the changing trends affecting our lifestyles is the increasing move toward urbanization. According to the U.S. Census, during the next 20 years, 10,000 people will turn 65 every single day. At the same time, the UN reports that 54 percent of the world’s people live in urban areas – and this proportion is expected to increase to 66 percent by 2050.

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Love Yourself First – Getting the Most from Life After 60

By Joan Frances Moran May 25, 2015

Lucille Ball said it: Love yourself first and everything else falls into line.

You really have to love yourself first to have a positive and joyful attitude in life. Loving yourself first kills the negativity that builds up in our hectic environment and culture. We’ve got so much going on in life that the way to keep our life balanced and healthy. Read More

Embracing the 3 P’s of Travel – People, Places and New Perspectives… My Road Scholar Trip Ends

By Margaret Manning April 16, 2015

Well, that’s it. After more than a week in beautiful, inspiring Prague, I’m on my way home. As I write this, I am sitting at a little coffee shop near the main train station in Prague. The sun is shining and the city is going about its business. This really has been an amazing trip.

Looking back at the last 9 days, it’s amazing to think how much Road Scholar managed to pack into this adventure. As I look back over my time in Prague, I am reminded of the “3 P’s” that make travel such a wonderful experience – people, places and new perspectives. Read More

6 Ridiculous Myths About Women Over 60

By Margaret Manning June 25, 2014

Today, women over 60 are defining and creating a whole new category of bold and fearless individuals with style, energy and ability! Many younger people might be surprised at the reality of life for women over 60 and the depth of their desire to be heard, respected and visible.

I asked women in the Sixty and Me community what they thought was the biggest misconception or stereotype that people have about our age group. They came back fighting with responses that were gutsy and enlightening. Read More