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Search Results for: Yoga

What Can You Do to Find Your Balance?

By Rose DeNaro April 16, 2023

A beginning step to create a balanced life is to start by making some changes – small simple changes. It takes self-discovery to settle into who we are meant to be and really embrace it…

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What Are the Best Places to Retire for Single Women Over 60?

By Margaret Manning April 16, 2023

If, like me, you are a single woman in 60s and beyond, you may be thinking about the best places to retire. Perhaps you are looking for a country with a lower cost of living so that you can make your retirement income stretch farther…

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Vitality Domain #1 – Loving Life with Well-Being and Energy

By Ardith Bowman April 14, 2023

Well-being and energy comprise the first area for us to explore as we seek to influence our “health span.” It is all about our fitness, diet, managing stress, play and living a life that energizes us. In a way, this is the most challenging area to influence…

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Being Alone but Not Lonely

By Anthony Cirillo April 07, 2023

I wrote an article for Sixty and Me on loneliness, which, for some reason, gathered a number of comments. The consensus – you can be alone but not lonely. OK, I get it. Because I am very much like these women. Being a speaker and performer…

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60 Creative Ways to Make Money in Retirement

By Margaret Manning April 07, 2023

Last year, I asked the women in our community how they make money in retirement. Their answers were amazing and showed just how creative our generation has become when it comes to supplementing our income in the best years of our lives…

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3 Good Reasons Why NOT Everyone Over 60 Needs to Do Kegels

By Kathy Arthurson April 02, 2023

Are you diligently doing Kegels and finding it’s not helping your pelvic health at all? Perhaps you are experiencing involuntary loss of urine or urgent messages to find the bathroom (urge incontinence)? The very symptoms Kegels are meant…

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Tossing and Turning – Or Sleeping and Dreaming?

By Rose DeNaro March 24, 2023

Getting yourself to fall asleep can sometimes feel like a major struggle. Do you know that 40% of adults in the US report symptoms of insomnia at some point annually? The CDC states that insufficient sleep is a public epidemic…

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How Spirituality Can Improve Your Life

By Xenia Mateiu March 22, 2023

Over the last year, I saw many people searching for crystals or gemstones, wondering if they have to define themselves as spiritual to use the stones effectively, if they need to believe in energies, or if it is wrong that they only see crystals as pretty rocks. Well, there is no wrong answer to this. […]

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3 Age-Related Exercise Myths That Hold You Back: Do You Believe Them?

By Linda Melone March 18, 2023

It’s been 28 years since I earned my first of four personal training certifications in 1995. As I proudly displayed the American Council of Exercise (ACE) certificate on my wall, I thought I had all I needed to help people get fit…

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What’s So Important About Exercising Regularly?

By Alainnah Robertson March 16, 2023

Everyone knows that exercise is good for the human primate. Yet only a very small percentage of humans – around 2% at the most – like exercise, and the statistics show that no more than 30% of humans get enough of it to prevent ill health in later life…

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