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Search Results for: authentic life

Does Our Style Change as We Age?

By Andrea Pflaumer July 31, 2022

You might feel that the pandemic has accelerated the changes you see in the mirror. If you haven’t seen your friends for a year, it can be a bit of a shock to discover just how much they might have changed. Recently, I wrote to check in on a friend…

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How to Choose the Best Fitness Pro to Keep You Motivated

By Catherine Stifter July 29, 2022

If you already have a personal trainer who you love and see regularly or you’re a long-time member of an exercise class where the instructor makes the hard work fun, you may not need this article. But maybe you’ve recently moved…

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How to Unpack Your Emotional Baggage After 60

By Joanie Marx July 25, 2022

When was the last time you looked at the contents stored in your emotional baggage? Although the term ‘emotional baggage’ is quite recognizable, the process of opening the metaphorical suitcase where your limiting beliefs…

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A Step-By-Step Guide to Finding Your Sense of Adventure and Creativity After 50

By Cyn Meyer July 07, 2022

There are a few myths about aging circulating out there, and here’s one of them: aging makes you less adventurous and less creative. This is so not true. Let’s quickly debunk with these impressive women who hit their adventurous…

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How to Romance Your Body This Summer

By Astrid Longhurst June 28, 2022

Summer kisses come one at a time. First, the warm breezes that puff around my shoulders and warm my heart. Next is the sweetest fragrance of wild honeysuckle that hides in the hedgerows. Then come the buzzing of bees as they search…

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Being Carefree After 60

By Joanie Marx June 20, 2022

How many times have you said to yourself or to others that you cannot afford to be carefree? From responsibilities at work, at home, or to care for others, for many women of our generation, the idea of being carefree took a backseat…

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Overcome the 3 Biggest Obstacles to Reuniting with Your True Self

By Joanie Marx June 07, 2022

A favorite quote of mine from one of my mentors, Dr. Wayne Dyer, is, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” One can interpret this in many ways. For me, his quote is about writing a new story for yourself…

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5 Ways That Connecting with Other People Keeps Us Strong and Positive in Our 60s

By Ginny McReynolds June 05, 2022

One of the things I’ve noticed about getting older is my tendency to try and keep things neat and predictable. I often long for a life that requires few changes and gives me plenty of time to control my own environment…

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12 Promises You Can Make to Empower and Express Your True Self After 60

By Ellen Bachmeyer May 23, 2022

Do you ever wonder if you’re worth it? Do you believe you are valuable to the people you love? How about yourself? Do you let others define your value? Do you hide your true self? Do you know your true self?

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The Myth of Shame and Blame (VIDEO)

By Joanie Marx May 22, 2022

From a desire to be more active or engage in a healthy romantic relationship, to embarking on a new career or even starting a new business, many women over 60 have heard the doubts and felt the shame of what they can be, do…

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