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Search Results for: authentic life

How to Update a Wardrobe After 70

By Andrea Pflaumer October 11, 2022

For most of us, what we wore in our 60s was not all that different from what we wore in our 50s, at least not through much of our 50s. Maybe that’s because, as a savvy friend of mine suggests, the demarcation lines of how we see ourselves…

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How to Use the Power of Words to Make You Feel Fabulous at 60 Plus!

By Astrid Longhurst September 27, 2022

When was the last time you whispered “sweet somethings” to yourself? How often do you praise and speak happily about the majesty and beauty of YOU? How much is your inner self dialogue loving, supportive, encouraging, compassionate…

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It Takes More than Mindset to Achieve Your Goals

By Michelle Vandepas September 24, 2022

When I first heard the word mindset in my daughter’s elementary classroom, the teacher explained that teaching children how to have a growth mindset makes them open to learning and growing. Over the years, I had heard the term many times…

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Honoring My Loved Ones in September, National Suicide Prevention Month

By Diana Raab September 14, 2022

Each year in September, I honor those who have died by suicide. Unfortunately, in my six decades of living, I have to report that I now know seven individuals who have taken their lives. They’re unrelated to each other, but all tragic…

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What If a “Little Crazy” Is Just What You Need?

By Chris Hilicki September 06, 2022

The season of fall stirs up our love-hate relationship with change. After this particular topsy-turvy summer, we’d love to return to some familiar and comfortable routines. But as the days are shorter and the nights are longer, fall reminds us…

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How to Match Your Service Choices with Your Higher Purpose

By T. Kari Mitchell September 04, 2022

Most people want to live happy, productive lives. One way to create a life worth living is to share your joy and passion with others, through service. Studies have shown that giving back contributes to better health. Volunteering…

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5 Secret Weapons That Older Entrepreneurs Have and How to Use Them

By Hilary Henderson August 26, 2022

The obvious strength that older entrepreneurs bring to the business table is the stash of skills and knowledge acquired and built up over a 40-year career. But what are the secret weapons…

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What’s the Meaning of Legacy When You Hit 60? (Hint: It’s Not a Resume)

By Barbara Robitaille August 21, 2022

As a stay-at-home mom, I used to dread meeting new people at social events. After initial pleasantries, so often the exchange would come to an awkward, grinding halt when they asked me…

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5 Self-Love Tips to Ageing with Confidence and Joy

By Astrid Longhurst August 09, 2022

I have to let you in on a little secret – I couldn’t wait to be 60! Whilst others around me were bemoaning the advancing of their years and telling stories that it was all downhill from here, I was quietly rejoicing becoming 60…

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What Your Clothing Colors Say About Your Personality

By Stephen Hadley August 09, 2022

Fashion is about self-expression. You choose outfits that appeal to you. You desire that your clothes say something significant to the world around you. At Generous Fashion, we know that the clothes that you choose say a lot about your…

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