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Search Results for: Gentle yoga

Dealing with Loneliness Has Nothing to Do with Meeting Other People

By Margaret Manning May 25, 2015

If you tell someone that you are dealing with loneliness, they will probably give you a list of a hundred things that you can do to meet other people. They may say, “If you’re feeling lonely, why don’t you just take up a new sport, join a dating site, go dancing or find a book club?” If only it were that simple! Read More

Going to the Gym After 60 – Cheer or Chore?

By Margaret Manning May 06, 2015

Whenever someone asks me what they can do to get more from life after 60, I have a simple answer – exercise. On some level, we all know that getting in shape is essential to every aspect of our lives. Read More

Losing Weight After 50 is More About Exercise than Diet, Study Says

By Margaret Manning April 19, 2015

Why is losing weight after 50 so tough? It’s a question we all end up asking ourselves at some point. A few years ago, I decided that, when it came to my weight, enough was enough. So, like many boomers, I systematically went through all of my cupboards, removing all of the white bread, biscuits and chocolate. Trust me when I say it was a traumatic experience. I even started drinking green shakes and made my own protein bars, which were surprisingly delicious, after the 137th attempt.

There was just one problem. After months on my new diet, I hadn’t lost any weight. Read More

6 Life-Changing Questions Everyone Should Ask Themselves on Their 60th Birthday

By Margaret Manning April 13, 2015

So, your 60th birthday is almost here. Congratulations! You’ve already accomplished so much in your life – and you’re just getting started! At the same time, it’s natural to feel a bit apprehensive as you approach this important milestone. I know I did. Read More

Fitter or Fatter? Why Boomers Aren’t as Healthy as People Think

By Margaret Manning March 22, 2015

One of the claims that is often made about baby boomers is that we are “the healthiest generation of all time.” But, is this really true? We are certainly destined to live longer than any generation before us. At the same time, a study from the University of Toronto is shedding doubt on the idea that we are actually healthier than other generations. Read More

Healthy Aging Tips for Women – Advice from the Sixty and Me Community

By Margaret Manning January 15, 2015

For many women in the Sixty and Me community, healthy aging requires more than making simple choices about what to eat and who to spend time with. Staying healthy after 60 also means getting the most from life after 60. The more we live, the healthier we become, and vice versa.

Here are a few ways that the women in our community are living with verve and passion: Read More

3 Social Activities to Help You with Losing Weight After 60

By Margaret Manning January 08, 2015

According to the women in the Sixty and Me community, losing weight and making new friends are two of the things that we struggle with the most after 60.

I can certainly relate to this. There are days when I sit behind my desk for hours at a time, barely lifting my head for long enough to make a light snack, let alone get to the gym. Whether your weakness is the computer or the TV, I suspect that many of you feel the same. Read More

Why Are Women Over 60 More Comfortable Giving Gifts than Receiving them?

By Margaret Manning December 18, 2014

Gift giving is a true art – one that most women over 60 have perfected over the years. We have bought gifts for our children, husbands, friends, teachers, nurses, mailmen, and even the neighbor’s dog.

We like to thank people, because we know what it means to be appreciated. We understand that the value of a gift is not measured by what it costs, but in the planning and thoughtfulness that went into the purchase. You know that old phrase. Read More

Turning 60? Here’s Some Advice from Your Older Sisters

By Margaret Manning November 25, 2014

Turning 60 is a major milestone for many women. When we turn 50, most of us are in good health. We are usually at the top of our careers and have rich social lives, filled with family, friends and colleagues. Yes, some of us might be worried about the future or “where the time has gone.” But, for the most part, turning 50 is somewhat of a non-event. Turning 60 feels different. Read More

We’re Looking at Retirement Planning All Wrong and People Are Going to Get Hurt

By Margaret Manning November 20, 2014

What is retirement planning? It’s a simple question, right? Doesn’t everyone know that getting ready for retirement is all about putting enough money away so that we can live comfortably on our investments? At least, that’s what we have been told. For decades, our employers have reminded us to max out our 401K. Read More