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Search Results for: social security

The Poisonous Impact of Losing Your Sense of Control After 60… and the Surprising Antidote

By Sixty and Me March 09, 2020

We all need to feel like we are in control of our lives. We want to believe that our actions matter… that if we do “the right things,” we will be rewarded. Psychologists call this belief – that our actions control our outcomes – our “internal locus of control…”

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What Happens If You Die Before Your Elderly Parents?

By Stan Corey February 27, 2020

Many Baby Boomers have parents living into their 80s and 90s, and often these elderly individuals are in need of support from family as they have limited resources…

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Avoid These 5 Common Medicare Snafus!

By Joanne Giardini-Russell February 27, 2020

Boy, if people would just check in with us at age 64.5, life could be a lot easier for new Medicare beneficiaries! Though we try all we can to keep people out of trouble…

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2 Ways to Take a “Practice Retirement” (Either Way Can Change Your Financial Future!)

By Sixty and Me February 11, 2020

For most of our lives, retirement is a distant dream. It is the mirage in the desert that keeps us moving forward, one tired step at a time. In our younger years, we look at retired folks with a mixture of jealousy and pity…

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Is Our Fear of Financial Risk Killing Our Retirement Dreams? You Bet!

By Sixty and Me February 10, 2020

If there is one thing that financial advisors, the media and seniors agree on it is that “the older you get, the less risk you should take with your money.” On the surface, this advice makes perfect sense. After all, having 100% of your money in stocks, one year before retirement could have disastrous consequences… especially if the market dips right before you start to cash out your savings. Read More

Luxury and Lifestyle for Less – These Are the *10 Best* Places to Retire in 2020! (Get Your FREE Report!)

By Sixty and Me February 07, 2020

“Where should I retire?” This is the question we hear most often at International Living, and every January we give you our most definitive answer in the form of our Annual Global Retirement Index. When it was first conceived, our Retirement Index was our special way of coping with an embarrassment of riches. At that stage, IL had […]

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4 Money Mistakes Most People Make in the Year Before Retirement and How to Avoid Them

By Sixty and Me January 27, 2020

When it comes to our finances, most people don’t want to face the facts and they avoid talking about money and what to do with it, but when it comes to retirement, not only do many people avoid talking about it…

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My First New Year in Retirement: 5 Ways to Deal with Financial Anxiety

By Stan Corey January 05, 2020

For most of my adult working life as a self-employed person, the end of the year meant pushing hard to try and beat the prior year revenue. This was always a challenge and often met with high anxiety as we entered the ‘holiday season’ from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Eve. Read More

How to Get Started on Airbnb as an Older Adult (the Fastest Growing Group of Hosts!)

By Sixty and Me January 01, 2020

Would you be surprised if I told you that the fastest growing group of hosts on Airbnb is seniors? You shouldn’t be! After all, older adults own the lion’s share or properties throughout the world. They also have the time to dedicate to being fantastic hosts and the life experience to avoid painful mistakes. As […]

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10 Hard Truths Unveiled About Retiring Abroad – Experience Is Everything!

By Elizabeth Dunkel December 13, 2019

“Living abroad is a lot of work,” I tell people who ask me what it was like to live in Mexico for decades. I recently moved back to the United States, and I thought I’d share my first-hand knowledge with everyone…

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