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Search Results for: social security

Which State Is the Most Exciting to Retire To?

By Margaret Manning July 08, 2020

When you’re heading into retirement, there are a number of things you’ll automatically start to consider, including your health, finances, and living arrangements.  But there are lots of exciting things you’ll want to factor in, too.  From the ease of finding social events and meeting new people to being able to enjoy your favorite hobbies […]

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How to Take Some Weight Off Family and Friends When Life Doesn’t Roll Along

By Mary Lou Harris July 04, 2020

The uncertainty of life is certain, and that is particularly true in the year 2020. With that uncertainty, most of us have done the important practical acts recommended by other Sixty and Me writers. Those would include having an updated will…

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What You Need to Know About Covid-19, Retirement, and Medicare

By Joanne Giardini-Russell June 15, 2020

Medicare, in any given “normal” year, is confusing. 2020 has brought about so much, and we are only nearing the half-way mark. At our firm we never could we have imagined that we would be seeing so many people struggling with…

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How to Stay Safe in a Digital World by Keeping Your Phone Secure

By Judi Jacobs June 15, 2020

It’s a big digital world out there, and it can be scary. But it doesn’t have to be. Arm yourself with the knowledge to protect yourself and be proactive. Online safety is in your hands. Read More

Waiting Until Retirement to Find Your First Consulting Gig is a HUGE Mistake! 4 Ways to Start Early

By Sixty and Me June 12, 2020

In a previous article, I argued that announcing your retirement at work is one of the biggest financial mistakes that you can make. Not only can talking about your retirement result in lower compensation towards the end of your career, but, it can also limit your ability to work as a consultant, either for your ex-employer or one of the companies that you worked with in the past. Read More

What Are the Silver Linings for Retirees During Covid Times?

By Danielle Howard May 30, 2020

So much for the world of travel. So much for the extra income from the Gig economy. So much for visiting our grandkids. So much for the “retirement plan…”

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Dear Boomers: Is Your Generosity Making You Poor?

By Sixty and Me May 29, 2020

If you are a Millennial reading this title (unlikely, I know!), you’re probably thinking “What the heck is this old woman talking about? Boomers are selfish and rich…

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World to Retirees: You’re on Your Own! (Here’s How to Take Control!)

By Sixty and Me May 29, 2020

There was a time, not so long ago, when retirees could expect to live comfortably on their previous employer’s defined-benefit pension plan. With their monthly payments…

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3 Keys to Starting Over After a Loss Later in Life

By Julia Hubbel May 18, 2020

A few years ago, I spoke to a lively group of women that had been started by my friend Joan Rogliano, a divorced realtor living in Colorado. The Wildflower Group had been formed out of a need for an organization to tend to the needs of recently-widowed and divorced women. Read More

3 Money Topics to Discuss with Your Partner Before Retirement (#2 Could Save Your Marriage)

By Sixty and Me May 11, 2020

One of the most awkward topics of conversation in a relationship is money. It’s daunting, but once you learn how to talk about money, you’ll find different parts of your post-retirement life opening up…

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