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Search Results for: aging well

The Importance of Staying Hydrated for Healthy Aging

By Sherry Kahn August 22, 2020

Did you know that as we get older, we are more prone to dehydration no matter the weather? I started to notice this during moderate hikes and exercise when I hit my mid-fifties. There are a couple of physiological reasons for this…

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Assessing Your Wellness as a Caregiver (Video)

By Anthony Cirillo August 11, 2020

A recent study in the Journal of Pain and Symptom Management showed that health systems are increasingly depending on family caregivers to deliver complex care. Social isolation has added stress to those caregivers. The Journal made…

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4 Key Ingredients for Successful Aging

By Cyn Meyer July 21, 2020

Wikipedia defines successful aging as “physical, mental and social well-being in older age.” The authors of Successful Aging: The MacArthur Foundation Study, John Rowe, MD, and Robert Kahn, PhD, define it as “the cross-section between three components.” Read More

The Joy of Late-blooming Freckles – Embracing Your Aging Body

By Noelle Nelson June 21, 2020

When we were kids growing up, my sister was the cute one. She had it all. The button nose, the big beautiful hazel eyes, long lashes, rosebud mouth and the capper, freckles. She had THE most adorable spray of freckles across her nose – which she hated and I loved! I would have given anything for those freckles. Anything to break up the monotony of my pasty white face. Read More

Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes! 5 Secrets to Giving Your Beautiful Aging Skin the Love it Deserves (Video)

By Sixty and Me May 15, 2020

Do you know why it seems your skin is changing more rapidly now that you are getting a little older? It’s because it is! You’re not imagining things. What you’ve probably been noticing about your skin is due to one major change your body’s experiencing now…

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Spring Greens Can Give Your Aging Body a Boost: Learn How with These Tips!

By Peg Doyle April 24, 2020

Do you ever stroll through a garden or a forest in springtime, with sun shining down upon you, and you almost “see” the greens spring up before your eyes? These beautiful greens have been in a dormant phase for several months, just waiting for the soil to warm…

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7 Things We Can Do To Protect and Enhance the Aging Brain

By Sixty and Me April 05, 2020

When you concentrate on what you’re thankful for instead of what bothers you, you’re decentering. If things aren’t going well, Dr. Medina advises, simply write down three things that make you grateful…

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Walk Your Way to Health and Mental Wellbeing

By Jackie Parsons March 20, 2020

How many hours have you spent in front of the TV this week? What about your computer? The truth is, most of us recognise that it’s not just the under-30s who are spending too long slumped in front of a screen…

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How Creativity Helped This Amazing Woman to Move from Illness to Wellness

By Jan Moore March 18, 2020

Guests who stay at La Belle Vie B & B and Wellness Studio often say they never want to leave. I’m not surprised after chatting with their hostess, Josée Velsen, who exudes warmth…

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These Bad Habits Will Kill Your Healthy Aging Prospects

By Margaret Manning March 15, 2020

Talking to my fellow baby boomers, I’m convinced that many of us don’t realize just how many years are ahead of us – or how important healthy aging really is.

Even if we understand, “in theory,” that we have at least 20-30 more years to live, we may not have fully internalized this fact. As a result, when it comes to bad habits, like smoking or drinking too much alcohol, many of us take the position that “the damage has been done, so why change now?” Read More