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Search Results for: Tai Chi

10 Fun Things to Do with Someone in a Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facility

By Connie Chow June 01, 2022

When a loved one lives in a nursing home or assisted living, visiting regularly is an important way to stay connected and show how much you care. Spending time with you will brighten their day and knowing when you’ll…

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Taking Back My Past, One Song at a Time

By Jude Walsh May 31, 2022

Divorcing after a long marriage is difficult, made even more so when the divorce is ugly, and you are left feeling not only disrespected but erased. I know, no one can MAKE you feel any one way. Your feelings are your own. And, in theory, I agree with that…

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Get More from Life After 60: Stop Saying “I Could Never Do That!” Start Saying “I COULD!”

By Julia Hubbel May 30, 2022

My friend Susan stared at me in disbelief. “You’re going to do what?” She was incredulous. “Go to Africa alone and climb Kilimanjaro at sixty?” She paused for a deep breath. “ALONE?”

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Why Redundancy Can Be a Blessing in Disguise

By Elise Christian May 28, 2022

Being made redundant can be difficult financially and emotionally. Some people may experience feelings of grief and loss, and worry about where to turn next. It’s also normal to feel a loss of control, which can be unsettling…

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Phone Scams and Phone Spam – What’s the Difference?

By Sixty and Me May 28, 2022

We’ve all received those annoying phone calls at one time or another. But some are more alarming than others. Unsolicited phone calls can be separated into two types: phone spam and phone scams, with the latter being rather more sinister…

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7 Things I Thought I Would Be Good at When I Reached Age 60

By Debbie Hensleigh May 27, 2022

Some things I have mastered. Mostly, things that I’ve done over and over, often with little attention. Things like driving a car. Or riding a bicycle. Or brewing a pot of coffee. No need for deep thought or remembering details…

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Uplift Your Spirit and Sing Your Way to Health and Joy in the Years Beyond 60

By Jan Moore May 26, 2022

I think many of us harbor a secret dream about singing onstage with a rock band. I had this dream fulfilled when my choir director, Leah Hokanson, gave us the opportunity to sing with her backup band…

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Jane Goodall’s Five Reasons for Hope and One More from Me

By Becki Cohn-Vargas May 25, 2022

Some days I want to cry out in the words of the 1960s Broadway play Stop the World, I Want to Get Off. The overwhelming problems that face humanity sometimes seem too big to handle. Recently, I needed an extra dose of inspiration…

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An Interesting Black Spring in the Arts

By Ann Boland May 22, 2022

Black people have always been writing and singing, but few companies were producing Black Art. To garner the substantial funds to produce for storefront theater, much less Chicago Lyric Opera or Broadway, requires a guarantee of success…

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6 Tips to Finding a Dream Retirement Destination with Your Spouse

By Aleksandra Marcotte May 22, 2022

Conversations around transitioning together and transitioning as individuals are critical prior to retirement. Most likely, the two of you have contributed to a financial plan for years on end. But have you considered an emotional plan?

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