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Search Results for: Tai Chi

Is Your Financial Adviser Comfortable Discussing Your Personal Needs?

By Jane Duncan Rogers July 13, 2022

Joan and Stanley went to visit their financial adviser, with the express intent of getting all their financial questions answered. Headed towards their late 70s, and facing a possible further two decades (or maybe more), they were concerned…

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Rejuvenate Your Skin with Herbal Teas: Beauty-Boosting Benefits for Mature Women

By Shanna Bynes Bradford July 13, 2022

Have you stopped to ask yourself, “Why am I still dealing with skin concerns at my age? I’m not a teenager, but I still have a tough time when it comes to my skin.” Well, mature skin is delicate and must be treated with proper care…

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3 Top Exercises for Osteoporosis (And 1 You Should Never Do!)

By Joan Craig July 12, 2022

Do you worry that you’re not doing enough exercise – or the right kinds? Are you concerned about getting hurt if you exercise incorrectly? Wondering what really works to build your bones?

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How to Save Money the Fun Way… By Taking the Retirement Spending Challenge!

By Donna Davis July 12, 2022

Have you ever thought, “I’ve got to get my spending under control?” That’s just what I was thinking on a Saturday morning while going over bills. Somehow I’m always surprised at how all those little purchases add up…

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Does Looking for Work After 60 Make You Ask, “What’s Wrong with Me?”

By Penelope Jane Whiteley July 11, 2022

Of course, the answer is, “Nothing.” There is nothing wrong with me just as there is nothing wrong with you – in case you were wondering. However, I am in the age group considered to be old and undesirable for employment…

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Going Nuts or Getting Old? 5 Keys to a Healthy Aging Process

By Julia Hubbel July 11, 2022

The woman wrote in obvious distress that she was repeating herself. Felt depressed. Brain fog. Admitted to the occasional suicidal thought. She was terrified she was getting Alzheimer’s’ disease. At this point…

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Hate Exercise But Want to Stay Healthy After 60? Don’t Worry! Just Move!

By Noelle Nelson July 10, 2022

Ever think about how much time you spend sitting each and every day? Right now, as I am on yet another airplane flying to yet another consulting gig, I am trapped in my seat, belted in for the three-hour flight, like it or not…

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5 Secrets to Having a Great Trip to Europe in Your 60s

By Sally Fox July 09, 2022

Thinking about finally making that great trip to Europe? Whether you travel regularly, or your trip is a once in a lifetime opportunity, when it comes to taking that big vacation abroad, you want to make the most of every moment…

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Before You Go… Don’t Forget Your Pets!

By Marie Burns July 08, 2022

Making arrangements for your home or apartment before leaving for a vacation can feel like a daunting task when you think about all that needs to be done. Depending on how long you will be gone, you likely need to think about: having the mail/newspaper held…

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10 Steps to Starting a Food Rescue Organization in Your Community

By Janet Basilone July 08, 2022

Reducing food waste can help address hunger, reduce greenhouse gas while freeing up landfill space, and conserve water and other natural resources. Charities across the U.S. now ask food donors to assist them in serving healthier meals…

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