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Search Results for: aging well

What Made You Laugh Today?

By Karen Spencer January 08, 2023

When my husband and have meals with our grandchildren, we often have a favorite game we play at the dinner table. We call it ‘the mad, sad, glad’ game. I highly recommend it. The rules are quite simple. We begin by going around the table…

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Do You Have a Candida Overgrowth – And What You Can Do About It

By Kristine Bahr January 08, 2023

Candida Albicans, also known as Candida, is a naturally occurring yeast that lives in the body and is generally harmless at normal levels. When the candida begins to grow into abnormally high levels, however, it can cause a condition…

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7 Financial Perks of Getting Older

By Danielle Miura January 07, 2023

Aging isn’t easy. Wrinkles, grey hair, vision and hearing loss, and aches and pains pile up. But there are many perks of getting older, especially when finances are concerned…

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5 Minute Rosey Makeup for Cold Weather

By Suzanne Blons January 06, 2023

It’s cold, but you still want to be cute. Icicles are hanging off the car, and you only have five minutes to get your girlie on while the car heater blasts and you finish getting ready. What do you do? What are the most important parts of makeup to focus…

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Why Wear Shoes That Hurt Your Feet? Make the Switch to Minimal Shoes!

By Catherine Stifter January 05, 2023

When I was still working in an office, my favorite shoes were a pair of short black cowboy boots with a 2-inch heel and a pointy toe. Wore them all the time, despite the niggling knee pain I experienced while doing so. It didn’t occur…

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Navigating the Threshold into our 60s and Beyond

By Ardith Bowman January 05, 2023

Research about our phase of life increasingly views the 60s and 70s as entering an entirely new stage of life, much like adolescence to adulthood is a stage transition. This certainly contrasts with the view of these years being the end of our societal influence…

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How Should It Feel When You Do Balance Exercises?

By Claudine Aherne January 05, 2023

Do you feel that your balance is not as good as it used to be? Do you sometimes feel unsteady and find yourself looking at the ground when you walk?

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Bring Your Best Self to 2023

By Noelle Nelson January 04, 2023

“How’s this for a New Year’s resolution?” I said to a dear friend, “I want to bring my best self to 2023.” “It sounds good,” she replied, “but what does it mean?” Hmm. Good question. One’s best self could mean many things…

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6 Blissful Ways to Write During the New Year

By Diana Raab January 04, 2023

We are about to embark on a new decade, and for most of us, this marks our sixth or seventh decade on the Earth. With a new decade, we can choose to make intentions for new beginnings…

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I Celebrated One Year Wine-Free

By Kathleen M. Rehl January 03, 2023

As a young adult, I drank wine to fit in with my social crowd, celebrate victories, and relax at the end of a grueling week. I thought conversations at parties flowed easier with a wine glass in hand. Festive toasts were made at friends’ birthdays…

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