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Search Results for: weight

Happy Brain, Healthy Heart = Happy Heart, Healthy Brain

By Noelle Nelson March 11, 2019

“You have to meet Miss Fiona!” my friend gushed, knowing my passion for celebrating dynamic, thriving seniors. “She’s truly amazing!” Read More

Want to Find Happiness in Life After 60? Stop Blaming the World and Start Helping Yourself

By Margaret Manning March 10, 2019

When it comes to life after 60, happiness and positivity are often hard to find. It’s easy to look to external sources of our problems. We might blame someone else for our financial difficulties. Or, we may curse our “bad luck” for having to deal with an illness, divorce or other challenging situation. Read More

These 10 Healthy Food Bloggers Will Help You Surprise Your Grandkids with Your Culinary Creations

By Margaret Manning March 08, 2019

One of the nice things about getting a little older is that you finally have time to focus on your passions. In the kitchen, this means that you have the freedom to break away from the dishes that you are famous for and try something a little more surprising. Read More

Preventing Aches and Pains: 6 Ways to Make Caregiving Easier on Your Body

By Jessica Hegg February 17, 2019

So much attention gets paid to the stress and emotional toll caregiving can take, but what about the physical side? Read More

Stomach for Brains! How Probiotics Can Help You with Your Memory

By Anna Lamnari February 13, 2019

Unless you have been living under a rock, you’ve heard about the many benefits of probiotics. They are good for just about everything – from your sinusitis to irritable bowel. But, did you know they could be beneficial for your memory? Read More

These Older Models Prove that Beauty Doesn’t Have an Expiration Date (Pictures)

By Sixty and Me February 08, 2019

Oldushka is a fascinating name for a modeling agency for older adults. It’s a funny blend of English and Russian that you would really only “get” if you had lived in both Russia and the West for some of your life. Read More

7 Ways to Prevent Falls and Related Injuries

By Joy Stephenson-Laws February 08, 2019

I saw a startling statistic that alarmed me, and I think it will alarm you as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an older adult is treated for a fall in the Emergency Room every 11 seconds, and an elderly person dies from a fall every 19 minutes! Read More

5 Ways to Join the Longevity Revolution

By Terri Edmund February 08, 2019

When I turned 60, I knew for sure I wanted to live to at least 100.

I’ve been so busy the past 40 years with day to day details – earning a living, having a fun life, caring for my family. I hadn’t planned much for my future. I did quit smoking 20 years ago and started walking to counteract the weight gain. But other than that, aging isn’t something I’d thought much about. Read More

Thanks for the Journey! Learning to Love Your Body in Your 60s

By Margaret Manning February 05, 2019

Are you learning to love your body? Do you really appreciate your body now that you are in your 60s? This are the questions posed in a beautiful article written by one of our Sixty and Me bloggers, Elizabeth Dunkel.

In it, she says that her body has “Walked everywhere, run on beaches, hiked on mountains, skied and skated. It has walked cities, strolled through museums and sat in cathedrals and concerts around the world.” Read More

Gentle Yoga for Beginners and Seniors: Improve Your Concentration and Memory

By Sixty and Me February 04, 2019

Do you sometimes start looking for something and then forget what it is you wanted to find? Do you find yourself beginning a task only to find your brain meandering off away from the chore at hand? Gentle yoga can help you re-train your brain to focus and concentrate.

Here are a few tips when it comes to yoga for concentration and memory. Read More