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Search Results for: weight

4 Tips to Getting Better Sleep When You Reach 60

By Jessica Hegg January 21, 2020

A myth has been circulating, claiming that as you age, you need less sleep. That couldn’t be further from the truth. As a senior, you should still get the recommended 7–9 hours of uninterrupted sleep…

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You’re Never Too Old to Embrace Change and Start Over!

By Paula Harer January 15, 2020

Do you feel like you keep starting over with the same goals? About this time every winter I realize that I have already given up on many of the things that I wanted to change about myself in the new year. About two weeks in! Can you believe it? Read More

18 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Eat Healthy and Avoid Dieting After 60

By Peg Doyle January 14, 2020

When actress Meryl Streep was recently asked to share her most important message for women, she kept it very simple: “Stop worrying about your weight.” Read More

Leave Friends and Family at Home When You Go Shopping for New Clothes

By Penelope Jane Whiteley January 08, 2020

If, while shopping, you came about some poor woman your own age who was being helped by a friend, her husband, and a sales assistant in choosing something to wear, you know how frustrating it can be for an onlooker…

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Stiff Neck and Shoulders? Make Them Strong with These 5 Easy to Follow Exercises

By Sarah Purcell January 06, 2020

We learned in my holiday neck stress article how the positioning of our arms in our shoulder girdle affects muscle use and overuse in our upper back, neck and shoulders…

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New Year, New You: Tips and Habits to Start the Year Strong

By Sixty and Me January 04, 2020

The new year often brings with it an overabundance of hopeful resolutions, lofty goals, and well-intentioned promises to live better, eat healthier, and improve various aspects of oneself and one’s life…

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Ready to Atone for Holiday Overindulging? Intermittent Fasting Might Be Your Answer!

By Sixty and Me January 02, 2020

Over 60 and dragging after an overindulgent holiday season? Then why not resolve to begin the New Year with an eating plan to shed some pounds and recover some pep?

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How Can Chakras Help You Thrive After 60? The First Chakra – I AM

By Sheena Nancy Sarles December 29, 2019

The word “Chakra” comes from Sanskrit, translating in English to “wheel” or “disk.” The Chakras are the seven main spiritual moving energy centers within our bodies that combine the emotional…

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The New Year’s Resolution that Will Save You the Most in Health Care Costs

By Carly Cummings December 21, 2019

Just the other day, I was talking with one of my clients, and we both couldn’t believe that it was almost the new year! Of course, we started talking about New Year’s resolutions and whether or not we participated in this ritual…

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Top 10 Food Trends for 2020 – Will They Change Your Life?

By Peg Doyle December 20, 2019

The start of every decade brings along promotions and trends of all sorts, many of which affect our food choices. Are you curious about the food trends expected to surface in 2020? Perhaps you have noticed some of them?

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