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Search Results for: books

Memoir Writing Tips from a Professional Writer (Video)

By Margaret Manning February 08, 2014

We all have amazing life stories to tell. In this latest episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I talk with Ben Gran, a successful freelance writer, about the process and importance of learning how to write a memoir. Read More

Book Club: Still Life with Bread Crumbs, by Anna Quindlen

By Margaret Manning January 31, 2014

Still Life with Bread Crumbs: A Novel is a new book by Anna Quindlen, a bestselling author and journalist that I have admired for years. Her collective works show her to be a woman of great depth and compassion. Read More

What Are the Benefits of Having a Pet After 60? You Might be Surprised

By Margaret Manning January 28, 2014

Pets touch us in ways that no person can. We go through dog and cat phases when we are younger, but, there are many reasons to consider getting a pet in your 60s too. Animals calm you, focus you and give you something to be responsible for. They keep you busy, active and energized. They can improve your physical, mental and emotional well-being… and they may just help you to find the man of your dreams (no, really!) Here a few of the surprising benefits of having a pet at this stage in your life.

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Book Club: The Stone Angel, by Margaret Laurence

By Margaret Manning January 18, 2014

I was in my twenties when I first read Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel. It made an enormous impression on me. This is one of those must read books for women, told through Hagar Shipley’s ninety-year-old eyes. Throughout the book, small nostalgic events trigger flashbacks that reveal the story of her life and her strong and often irrational personality. I remember a scene where she imagines herself as a beautiful young woman, swirling, laughing and dancing with her husband. Then, in real life, she finds herself falling down the stairs in her 65-year-old son’s home. Read More

What Do We Really Know About the Aging Brain? Conversation with Dr. John Medina

By Margaret Manning January 15, 2014

Dr. John Medina has a passion for unlocking the mysteries of the aging brain. He is a developmental molecular biologist and the author of a New York Times best-selling book called Brain Rules. Read More

New Grandma? Build a Strong Relationship with Your Grandchild in 6 Steps

By Sixty and Me December 16, 2013

The knowledge that the child you brought into this world is not only all grown up, but a parent, and that you are now a new grandma, is a scary prospect. You are excited and elated, but nervous and fearful all at the same time. Read More

Career Advice and Jobs for Women Over 50 – Kerry Hannon (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 28, 2013

Kerry Hannon is an expert on personal finance and careers for boomer women and is my special guest in this episode of the Sixty and Me Show. Kerry is a writer for Forbes magazine and Next Avenue and is AARP’s Jobs Expert. Kerry is also the author of the best-selling book Great Jobs for Everyone 50+. Read More

The Benefits of Meditation for Women of All Ages – Susan Piver (Video)

By Margaret Manning November 17, 2013

In this episode of the Sixty and Me Show, I share a conversation with Susan Piver, a world renowned meditation teacher and award winning New York Times best-selling author. She is also the founder of the Open Heart Project which aims to teach anyone in the world how to meditate. Read More

An Excerpt from “What Are You Hungry For?” by Deepak Chopra

By Margaret Manning November 12, 2013

In his new book What Are You Hungry For? The Chopra Solution to Permanent Weight Loss, Well-Being, and Lightness of Soul bestselling author Deepak Chopra discusses how overeating is really just a symptom of a much larger problem – an inability to find true fulfillment in our lives. Since living a healthy life after 60 is a goal of many members of our Sixty and Me community, I reached out to Deepak and his team to see if they would be willing to give us a sneak peek at his new book. I am delighted to let you know that Read More

I Love Free Stuff! 8 Things You Are Paying For that Should Be Free

By Margaret Manning October 14, 2013

One of the best ways to make your retirement savings last longer is to save money on everyday expenses. But what if you could save even more money… by getting things for free? Whether you’re a hardcore coupon collector, a natural bargain hunter, or just looking to save some extra money, here are a few ideas for things you can get for free: Read More