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Over 50 and Ready to Let Go of Unmet Expectations After Divorce? Here’s How to Take Action!

By Martha Bodyfelt November 11, 2022

I have been hearing a very common refrain from divorced women over 50 as they try to move on: “It wasn’t supposed to be like this.” “I’m over 50 and it’s too late to start over…”

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Why We Don’t Have to Live with Fear in Our 60s

By Pamela Reynolds November 11, 2022

We don’t have to live with fear! Many people may say they do not fear anything, and so they speak and defend themselves in all situations. They state they have no fear phobias, but in truth, the fears or worries that go into daily living cause us the most stress…

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Have You and Your Spouse Run Out of Things to Talk About?

By Pam Lamp November 07, 2022

In our younger days, I’d watch the older couples next to us in restaurants – and I’d vow we’d never be like them. Those folks who sat across from each other and ate their meals in silence…

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The 5 Most Common Causes of Shoulder Pain Among Baby Boomers (And What to Do About Them)

By Lex Gonzales October 31, 2022

Shoulder pain is a common complaint among the Baby Boomer generation. In fact, it is the third most common cause of musculoskeletal consultation in primary care. The shoulder is a complex joint with a wide range of motion and is subject to a lot of wear…

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4 Tips for Easing into Retirement

By Marcia Smalley October 29, 2022

We navigate change all of the time because change is constant. Fortunately, we’ve also developed coping skills that make transitions easier. Retirement is a major life change that more and more of us are facing, either by default or by design…

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5 Excellent Reasons Why We Should Volunteer in Our 60s (Consider #2)

By Perley-Ann Friedman October 12, 2022

Do you want to make a positive difference somewhere? Do you want to do something special, something meaningful? Most of us do, but often, we think it’s too late. We’re ‘over the hill’ and our useful days are over. I don’t know where to begin…

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Let’s Talk About This Invisible Disability

By Di Castle September 18, 2022

Before television was widely available, few people understood the Deaf, often referring to them as “deaf and dumb” regardless of whether they spoke. In fact, the Margate School for the Deaf and Dumb was eventually renamed to remove the word “dumb….

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7 Habits to Help You Live Long and Prosper Into Your 80s and 90s

By Douglas Winslow Cooper September 18, 2022

Do you want to live to be 98? My mother lived that long. She enjoyed almost all but her last year. Do you think you’d still enjoy life into your 90s? I just took a very brief MetLife Insurance Company online test, and based on that…

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Do You Still Compare Yourself with Others, Even in Your 60s?

By Rebecca Olkowski September 13, 2022

You’d think that, after 60, we wouldn’t have a reason to compare ourselves with others. After all, we’ve already led full lives so why aren’t we comfortable in our own skin? The truth is, the comparison game is something many of us…

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What If a “Little Crazy” Is Just What You Need?

By Chris Hilicki September 06, 2022

The season of fall stirs up our love-hate relationship with change. After this particular topsy-turvy summer, we’d love to return to some familiar and comfortable routines. But as the days are shorter and the nights are longer, fall reminds us…

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