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What (Not) to Do When Life Throws You a Curve Ball

By Marcia Smalley October 19, 2023 Mindset

Change is constant. And every so often, Life throws a curve ball in the form of a cataclysmic change. An event that takes us so far off course, our heads are spinning. Or our hearts are breaking.

These occurrences tear at the fabric of everyday life and land us back at Square 1.

I experienced one of these shifts when I got a one-two punch that involved my health, coupled with the loss of two loved ones. As I struggled to catch my breath, I was reminded of a few things I’d learned years ago.

We’re resilient at this stage of life. Consequently, we can put ourselves under some pressure to buck up and get over whatever it is that’s knocked us for a loop.

Our culture has conditioned us to dust ourselves off and start all over again. We may be allowed a period of grieving; we may be granted “space” for a while. But then we’re expected to “get on with it.”

It’s better if you don’t.

When a Life-Altering Event Happens, It’s Best to Pause – Or Stop Entirely

You wouldn’t tear apart a chrysalis to see if the caterpillar is ready to emerge. Don’t further rip your world apart in your effort to move forward.

Put yourself in the caterpillar’s Square 1 shoes (tiny as they might be). When she creates that cocoon, she has no clue about what’s going to happen. Then she literally dissolves into an unrecognizable blob of goo. Nothing feels familiar. Nothing is the same.

So, she waits. Despite her confusion, even her despair, she allows time to pass.

We Deserve the Same Grace

Amidst external messages or the encouragement of well-meaning loved ones (Are you journaling? Are you painting? How about taking a class?), in times of sudden or life-altering change, we might prefer a warm blanket and a hot beverage. We might need to hunker down in the quiet.

We definitely need to allow all of our emotions to run their course.

What we don’t need is to make plans, create a spreadsheet, and set goals. Because we’re as frightened and bewildered as that used-to-be caterpillar. And we’ll be that way for as long as it takes.

In Due Time, the Caterpillar Begins to Transform

She’s still safely tucked away, but she starts to feel a change. Maybe she’s energized.

She begins to imagine what things will be like once she leaves her safe space. She wonders about what’s next.

Maybe she has caterpillar dreams about her new life.

Like her, despite what we’ve been through or what we’re still dealing with, eventually we’ll start getting curious, too. We’ll consider our possibilities, play around with a few ideas. We’ll begin to embrace joy and feel more positive.

This lighter, brighter stage of the change cycle will come. The important thing to remember is that we can’t hurry to get to it no matter how gooey our mess is or how eager we are to start over.

Transformation Is a Difficult Process

It’s hard to be comfortable with not knowing. But we must allow what’s happening to unfold and experience the murky uncertainty of our chrysalis. In the meantime, we need to take care of ourselves in every way. Surround ourselves with people we love. Seek outside help if that feels right.

Eventually, our lessons will become clear. The ways we’re growing and evolving will become apparent. We’ll take a few small steps forward.

Then we’ll fly.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Have you recently experienced a major life change? How did you handle it? What did you do to take care of yourself?

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We recently lost my grandson to suicide and it has caused an atomic bomb to go off in our families

Stephanie Bryant

Thank you for this, as you say, everyone thinks you should be busy and then you’ll feel better. For me being busy is great but when I go home to an empty house, I’m sad. I have recently separated from my husband who has ALS, but he also has frontal lobe dementia, he became abusive for two years before I said, enough is enough, my mental health and physical health was being impacted. I had to let go of the dream we had of traveling during retirement to trying to reconfigure my life and wondering if I’ll ever have a partner to share it. I definitely need companionship, even though I’m great alone and very independent. This is all so scary. It definitely is a world of couples, you see that when you’re not one.

Last edited 8 months ago by Stephanie Bryant

Beautiful & wise perspective, my thanks!


Thank you


this had words that hit in a timely fashion. my Mom died about 2 years ago. i’ve been estranged for years and pretty happy with that decision. my sister and i started emailing me. she’s a year older. there’s so much history, and my family of raising silences any conversation that might be healing, so i have my own family now. they don’t know my brothers and sisters.

ach, i’m going on … my sister an i were close being brought up, but she is really an overlord of a big sister. at 62, i’m not one to need someone to tell me how to act and talk as well as what i can talk about.

the whole thing feels like a final choice.
she wants to just ‘get on with it’ as you mentioned in your piece (i always feel like i’m talking to the author here). the next line ‘it’s better if you don’t’. was next.

with my kids in the family i have now, we talk about anything and everything. it’s not always pretty, but (as we are all adults) we choose to address things when they’re on anyone’s mind. and we talk. but we don’t have the family secrets my family of raising has.

i’m happy without them, and we don’t need the money. if i get anything from the estate, direct to my kids. they don’t need it, but they deserve it; they’re good people. we had a chance with them when my Dad was still alive. since then, the dynamic with my family of raising is wonkier than ever to me

so thank you for the timely words.
i am in a place of transition as you speak of here; i’m choosing carefully

Marcia Smalley

Such a period of growth, Beth. Wishing you well and thanks for reading.

The Author

Marcia Smalley is a certified retirement coach and life coach, a writer and a teacher. She delights in helping mid-life women step confidently into their next act and design a joyous, expanded life. Marcia provides coaching support to women who are navigating retirement or other life transitions and writes a monthly e-newsletter to her entire online community. Please visit her website at

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