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Do You Want to Know When You Will Die?

By Ann Richardson May 03, 2024 Lifestyle

Not long ago, my husband said rather casually to me, “I wish I knew when I was going to die.” An important wish, indeed. He was 81 at the time.

But his concern was neither spiritual nor existential. He was wondering whether it was worth his while to have a knee replacement operation.

The Complex Issues of Being Old

Finding ourselves in what are inevitably our later years has many different aspects. Some people bemoan the fact of being old, loathe the many vicissitudes of ageing and have a strong fear of death.

Not me. I have always focussed on the positive at whatever age I have found myself – and this includes right now, having turned 82. Indeed, I have written a book that explains exactly why.

But this doesn’t mean that everything is easy. We have less and less energy. Our memories fade. Our bodies begin to show their age in one way or another – or perhaps I should say in many ways altogether.

I tend to summarise this as ‘the wheels begin to fall off’.

The Knee Operation

Which brings me back to this knee.

As many readers will already know, knee operations are not at all easy. Some proportion go wrong (you end up worse off than when you started) and there is a long period of recovery and rehabilitation.

My husband’s thoughts were very sensible: “If I knew I was going to die in a year, it wouldn’t be worth all the trouble. But if I had ten years, it would be worth thinking about.”

And he is right. It is a difficult decision.

I would bet there are plenty of others in the same situation. Or wondering whether to move house. Or whether to embark on some other major undertaking.

All our lives, we are taught to weigh decisions carefully, taking into account the costs and benefits, including the time available.

Yet here we are with a key variable completely missing from the calculation.

I wish I had an answer, but I don’t.

Would You Really Want to Know?

But his simple question sent a number of ripples into my mental pond. Would we really want to know our expected date of expiry?

Yes, there are some decisions where a clear date of departure from this earth would be useful.

You could make more sensible medical decisions. And perhaps some others. You would know exactly when your things needed to be in order. You could say your good-byes in good time.

But this is undoubtedly a slippery slope. How would it affect your day-to-day relationships? Or the activities you undertake?

Would you be out there trying to fulfil every longstanding wish, ticking off the items on the famous ‘bucket list’? Or would you simply turn your face to the wall some time in advance?

Or would you be the proverbial deer caught in the headlights – so much to do, so many people to see, not certain where to turn?


It is strange the things that you remember. I distinctly remember my mother telling me, when still a teenager, about Socrates.

He had been condemned to death and was due to be administered a dose of hemlock (a known poison). While it was being prepared, he asked to be allowed to finish learning a particular melody on his flute.

On being asked why he wanted to do this, he was reputed to have said, “When else will I learn it?”

I don’t know if this is apocryphal, but it is a good story. Doing something meaningful until the very end.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

Are you faced with practical decisions which depend on how much time you have left? What decisions? Is this a problem for you? What would you do differently if you knew you were going to die soon? Or not die soon?

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Margaret Manning

Ann. I love this article so much!!!!

Ann Richardson

Thanks so much, Margaret. I am fond of it too because my husband said that with only his knee in mind, but it took me to so many other ideas.
And thanks for subscribing to my Substack. It is currently at 699 subscribers so I am waiting for one more to round it up.

Judith Louise

TOO OLD ??? Rising out of the Ashes….In Dec.2019 our property was destroyed by bush fire. My husband and I left wondering about a future. People suggested that we were too old to rebuild our farm. In 2022 we are in our new home. Enjoying the harvest of the new veggie patch and home orchard. And fresh eggs from the chickens and the ducks. In 2024 unforeseen health issues are challenging us to create a new reality. For fifty two years we have lived a life that people today dream of. Organic, sustainable, self-sufficient and environmentally friendly with a small carbon footprint. . Homemade cheeses, icecream, bread. Freeze dried fruit, berries, vegetables, herbs and spices. Home grown meat and fish. Life has been seasonal planning and physical work. Since late 2023 my husband has been in out hospital. An infection in his blood threatened his life. It has damaged heart valves which warrants open heart surgery. It caused kidney failure. Placing him on dialysis for the rest of his life. It infect his gums. Causing all of his upper teeth to be removed. In the long term doctors are waiting to see what else may be damaged. My husband floated towards death and was medically revived. I have just had a cancer removed from the corner of my eye and and one on the side of my left rib. For the past six years I have lived with a rare spinal disease. YES LIFE HAS CHANGED. Now my husband and I need to carefully create a new reality with a stay of execution. Because husband’s Open Heart surgery will put him out of action for several months. I am busy drawing up plans for a smaller house which we hope to build on a corner of our farm. If and when authorities allow us to subdivide. Life goes on……….so there is no sense to fight it or try to slow it down. My husband and I have been together since we were 17yrs old. We now want to spending more time together before its gone.


you have lived a wonderful life. i am so impressed with the fact that you two have been together since 17. i hope you can get the smaller house you want

The Author

Ann Richardson’s most popular book, The Granny Who Stands on Her Head, offers a series of reflections on growing older. Subscribe to her free Substack newsletter, where she writes fortnightly on any subject that captures her imagination. Ann lives in London, England with her husband of sixty years. Please visit her website for information on all her books:

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