Charles Duhigg, in his book, The Power of Habit, describes a subset of habits that he refers to as Keystone Habits. These are habits that, when incorporated into our daily routine, have a domino effect on most if not all other areas of our lives, even if those other areas seem totally unrelated.
I have been a snooze alarm hitter for most of my adult life. I was so bad about this that I would even set my alarm an hour earlier than I needed to just so that I would have time to hit snooze!
About two or three years ago I read about something called sleep inertia which happens to those of us who hit snooze. It is the cycle that occurs when we wake up, hit snooze, and immediately fall back into REM sleep. To then wake up, hit snooze and repeat.
It takes our brain four hours to recover from this, which explained that awful groggy feeling I had every single morning when I woke up. This was occurring because of my snooze habit.
Right then and there I decided I was going to get up the minute the alarm went off the first time. I put my alarm in another room to ensure that I do this. And I’ve never looked back.
What happened after that evolved slowly and I didn’t notice it at first. But this seemingly tiny little change has affected my entire life. I get up and hit the ground running. I get most of the things on my to do list done each day.
Perhaps, however, this habit change has had the biggest effect on my nighttime routine.
I now eat dinner at an earlier time, end each day with a cup of tea, and am always in bed by 10:00 at night at the very latest. The whole quality of my sleep has vastly improved. Most days I’m awake before my alarm goes off.
Simply because I stopped hitting the snooze button. For me, that turned out to be a keystone habit.
There are certain habits that “experts” typically identify as universal keystone habits. Some of these include:
The list goes on. However, what may be a keystone habit for someone else may not be for you.
Brain dump some possible overall goals that you have for yourself. Maybe you want to lose weight, eat healthier, read more, drink more water, exercise, or have a solid morning or evening routine. Start with the overriding goal and break it down into smaller pieces.
For example, if you want to be healthier, that might involve exercising daily or eating healthier. Pick one and start there. If you want to be “more productive,” write down what that might look like. Then pick a small goal and start with that.
For me, instead of saying “I’m never hitting snooze again,” I might say, “I’m waking up each morning as soon as the alarm goes off.” Tell yourself the results you want – not the results you don’t want.
Taking on more than a single habit at a time will set yourself up for failure.
The habit must be one that you do daily, at least for the first few months. Keep this in mind for goals like exercising. Be realistic about what you will do. If your new habit is a big one like exercising, start off with a goal such as, “I will do 15 minutes of activity each day.” You can increase it as the habit becomes ingrained in your daily routine.
Make it fun and rewarding. Getting up and dancing to your favorite song first thing every morning can be an amazing keystone habit to get your day started off on the right foot.
If you want to read more about habits, check out Charles Duhigg and The Power of Habit.
What habit change would you like to make? What might be a keystone habit for you? How might that domino across your daily routine? Please share with the community!
Tags Inspiration
Putthe alrm across tge room so you have to get out of bed.
I got into whats apping friends everyday those that live on their own checking they were ok, but it was taking up half the morning messaging back and forth,now l give a quick message they check in and later on in the day l chat for longer.
I limit device time to an hour thats a time thief.
I walk most everywhere and the night before l put my outfit out so no outfit angst, wasting time deciding.
They are my tips.
Lisa, thank you for these. I need to work on the one hour of device time, for sure!
My bad habits is reading the newspaper on line in bed in the morning.- takes me forever to get out of bed. Electronics are being charged in the kitchen…thanks for the tip
I’m glad you found it helpful, Wilhelmina! And, I’m not sure that reading the news everyday in bed is a bad habit! It sounds lovely to me!
Leslie you are inspirational, thank you. Getting out of bed and getting going is absolutely key…I will read for as long as I can and sometimes miss out the exercise…change is on the way xx
Thanks, Ali! Yeah, it was a game changer for me.