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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

5 years ago

Downsizing Is WAY Overrated… Why Rightsizing Is a Better Way to Go

As the years go by, some of us may feel that a two- or three-bedroom home is too big or too expensive to maintain. However, there are many aspects to downsizing that we may not be able to see on our own…

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5 years ago

5 Career Change Ideas Where You Can Make the Most of Your Life Experience

If you’re thinking about making a career change in your 60s, then it’s worth looking at roles that will allow you to really make the most of your life experience…

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5 years ago

Why Guest Blogging Can Be an Exciting Post-Career Activity

If you like to write but do not want the obligation of running your own site, guest blogging may be a good outlet for you. You choose the topic, do the research, and create your post…

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5 years ago

2 Ways to Take a “Practice Retirement” (Either Way Can Change Your Financial Future!)

For most of our lives, retirement is a distant dream. It is the mirage in the desert that keeps us moving forward, one tired step at a time. In our younger years, we look at retired folks with a mixture of jealousy and pity…

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5 years ago

Is Our Fear of Financial Risk Killing Our Retirement Dreams? You Bet!

If there is one thing that financial advisors, the media and seniors agree on it is that “the older you get, the less risk you should take with your money.” On the surface, this advice makes perfect sense. After all, having 100% of your money in stocks, one year before retirement could have disastrous consequences… especially if the market dips right before you start to cash out your savings. Read More

5 years ago

Fee-Based vs. Fee-Only Financial Planners: The Difference Could Cost You Everything!

Financial planners are there to ensure that our money is handled wisely and with our future in mind. These days, though, the titles they use tend to be confusing, and you might end up hiring the wrong person for your particular needs…

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5 years ago

How to Find an Impartial Expert to Help You with Your Annuity Choices

Among the most common fears retirees face is running out of money in their golden years. We can’t really predict the amount of money we would need to enjoy the rest of our lives…

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5 years ago

2 Unexpected Risks of Reverse Mortgages (And How to Avoid Them!)

A reverse mortgage can prove to be tricky if we do not have a good grasp of what it is and how it works. It has been touted in advertisements…

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5 years ago

How to Improve Your Retirement Planning Literacy So Your Financial Planner Can Help You More

For most people, planning for retirement can be a daunting task. Some feel that financial advisers will talk down to them. Some are hesitant to open up about their retirement plans…

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5 years ago

4 Money Mistakes Most People Make in the Year Before Retirement and How to Avoid Them

When it comes to our finances, most people don’t want to face the facts and they avoid talking about money and what to do with it, but when it comes to retirement, not only do many people avoid talking about it…

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