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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

3 years ago

Paying for Long-Term Care: What Are the Options?

In my last Sixty And Me blog, Do You Need a Long-Term Care Plan? I noted there are three sources of money to pay for long-term care: your own money, government sources and insurance. Let’s look at the options we have when it comes to long-term care…

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3 years ago

2 Tips to Consider if You Want to Increase Traffic to Your Post-Retirement Online Business

In a previous post, I wrote about how to find your website’s Alexa score to see if you’re getting good traffic. My advice was, don’t panic if your score isn’t so impressive. Rather, use it as a baseline to measure progress…

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3 years ago

How About a Money Remodel?

New year, new start, new way to do something, a new opportunity to improve your life… at least that’s how we often start the new year, right? Take advantage of those good intentions to get yourself headed in the right direction, whether it’s related…

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3 years ago

Want to Add to Your Retirement Income by Renting a Property? Read These 5 Tips First!

Social security, pensions and annuities can all be dependable sources of monthly income. So too can real estate. But before you cash out your retirement fund and buy a rental property, here are five things you should know…

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3 years ago

5 Simple Tips for Finding Financial Freedom after 60 from a Former Stockbroker

I wasn’t old enough to rent a car, but in my early 20s a major brokerage firm recruited me to become a stockbroker. Now I’m sharing five very simple lessons that will help you get closer to financial freedom…

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3 years ago

Having a Passion is Great but Skills Make You Money

Do you have a passion in life? Something that keeps you ticking? Maybe you have more than one. According to Dr. Alison Block, “a passion is something you want to dig into more deeply…

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3 years ago

The Gawk Factor: How to Use It to Your Advantage

Now that we are in the month of New Year’s resolutions, we often have change on our mind. We all have something we know we want or need to improve in our lives. The hardest part can often be getting motivated to make that change, identifying…

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3 years ago

Do You Need a Long-Term Care Plan?

Financial planning for retirement frequently ignores a huge subject area: planning for potential long-term care costs. Studies show that well over half of today’s 60-year-olds will eventually require some sort of long-term care. Yet, only about half of us…

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3 years ago

3 Ways to Replace Your Financial Advisor (VIDEO)

While it can feel intimidating to end a relationship, it’s critical to get the help you deserve. Plus, moving on to another chapter doesn’t necessarily mean that you dislike your advisor or that anybody is a bad person. Sometimes a financial…

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3 years ago

How to Stay Fresh in Your Encore Career

There’s an old expression that seasoned college professors like to invoke about teaching: “The first year you get it wrong. The second year you fix it. And the third year you’re bored.” As I settle into my third year running my…

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