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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

2 years ago

Tough Career Ending? Bounce Back and Get Ready for Retirement!

I am not the only person I know in my 60s who had a bad work experience at the end of their career. One friend was in his hospital bed after cancer surgery when his boss told him he was being forced to retire. Another friend worked…

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2 years ago

Paying for Long-Term Care: The Life Insurance and Annuity Alternatives

Many people think about dedicated long-term care insurance as the only way insurance can pay for long-term care. However, life insurance and annuities provide alternatives also…

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2 years ago

I Took Control of My Financial Destiny in Retirement… You Can Too!

For years I thought I had my finances and investments figured out. I had a financial advisor and felt well taken care of. I was grateful to have this smart man advise me and manage my investments for my retirement. Whilst we never socialized…

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2 years ago

Starting an Encore Business? Chat with a Few Smart Millennials First

Human beings are naturally hard-wired to favor encounters and exchanges with like-minded people. This website is proof positive of that inclination and it makes sense. Who else but another 60-something might grasp all (or most) of life’s…

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2 years ago

Facing Ageism When Looking for Employment After 60? Don’t Stop Looking – Try Temping!

Many of us who are of a certain age find ourselves looking for new employment. The reasons are many and varied. What we all have in common though is the reaction we get when we apply for a new position…

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2 years ago

The Financial Freebie Frenzy – or Do We Know How to Manage Our Money? (VIDEO)

Have you tried a tongue twister in a while? Try saying “financial freebie frenzy” three times fast! I am referring to all of the great attention the topic of financial literacy gets every April, which has been happening every year since 2004 when…

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2 years ago

Could a Side Hustle Gig Provide More Financial Peace of Mind in Your 60s?

Traditional jobs are no longer the sole source of income for many. According to a recent Bankrate study, more than 44 million Americans are engaged in some type of ‘side hustle’ income endeavor…

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2 years ago

How to Finance a Home Purchase with No Mortgage Payment

If you’re an American homeowner 62 or older, you can potentially finance a home purchase without a mortgage payment. How? With a home equity conversion mortgage, or HECM (often pronounced heck-um by industry insiders)…

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2 years ago

5 Ways to Discover Your Skills and Start a New Career After 50

You will be surprised how many opportunities you will have to showcase your unique skills during the job interview. These skills will help you to get hired. Thinking about this ahead of time will help you present a confident attitude and image…

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2 years ago

An Epidemic of Another Kind: Financial Illiteracy Among Young and Old

Quarantine. Lockdown. Shelter in place. Social distancing. Covid-19. Who heard of these terms before, or even knew what they meant – let alone were intentionally living them every day – until 2020!? Hopefully, going forward, none of us will spend…

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