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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

2 years ago

5 Secret Weapons That Older Entrepreneurs Have and How to Use Them

The obvious strength that older entrepreneurs bring to the business table is the stash of skills and knowledge acquired and built up over a 40-year career. But what are the secret weapons…

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2 years ago

What’s in a Name? Be Sure Yours Is Correct!

Let’s talk about your name. You may love your name, or think it’s just okay, or wish you had a different name, and these days, you can legally change your name if you want. But that’s not really the name that we need to make sure…

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2 years ago

Is Your Financial Adviser Comfortable Discussing Your Personal Needs?

Joan and Stanley went to visit their financial adviser, with the express intent of getting all their financial questions answered. Headed towards their late 70s, and facing a possible further two decades (or maybe more), they were concerned…

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2 years ago

3 Types of Mindsets a Mature Woman Can Embrace When Pursuing Professional Reinvention

At this point in my life, I like to believe that I pretty much know what I think about professional reinvention. As a veteran of several career changes, I’ve given a lot of thought to not only how – but when – to embark on a midlife career makeover… 

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2 years ago

How to Save Money the Fun Way… By Taking the Retirement Spending Challenge!

Have you ever thought, “I’ve got to get my spending under control?” That’s just what I was thinking on a Saturday morning while going over bills. Somehow I’m always surprised at how all those little purchases add up…

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2 years ago

Does Looking for Work After 60 Make You Ask, “What’s Wrong with Me?”

Of course, the answer is, “Nothing.” There is nothing wrong with me just as there is nothing wrong with you – in case you were wondering. However, I am in the age group considered to be old and undesirable for employment…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Navigate the Rough Waters of Financial Security with Courage and Resilience

It is 97 degrees out today, and a girlfriend and I are getting on the river. I am blessed to live in the Roaring Fork Valley of Colorado, with outdoor amenities at my fingertips…

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2 years ago

Yes, a Reverse Mortgage Can Be Life-Changing

It’s Christmas Day and Angela, 74, is sipping a cup of coffee in her son’s living room. A beautiful Christmas tree stands in the corner covered with ornaments and bright colorful lights. The room is filled with the warm and delicious smells…

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2 years ago

Planning to Travel Abroad? Here Are Important Financial Tips You Need to Know

Hooray!! You can finally take that trip abroad you’ve had to postpone for the past two years. Before you head to the airport, we want to share some important financial tips that will help you save money and avoid frustrating surprises after you arrive…

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2 years ago

Is a Bridge Job Right for You Before Retirement?

There was a time when I felt sure that I would continue working until age 70 or beyond. In fact, I often joked that one day I would simply resign from my job at the nursing home where I worked as an RN and move myself into the assisted living…

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