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Managing Money

Managing your money in retirement is just as important as making it. Money gives us the ability to live a good life and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Let's explore the world of encore careers, jobs for seniors and small business success.

2 years ago

How Can Boomer Women Budget Well to Beat the Recession?

A recession is a big drop in economic activity that happens all over the economy and lasts more than a few months. In real life, a recession is when unemployment increases, more businesses fail, and the economy is generally in bad shape…

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2 years ago

50 Ways to Leave Your Employer to Launch Your Own Gig After 60

Sometimes inspiration comes from unexpected places. One morning, I was working on this post, but the concepts weren’t gelling. Rounds of writing, editing, deleting and starting again from scratch ensued…

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2 years ago

4 Ways to Successfully Work from Home After 60

It’s become very common for the 60+ crowd to finally carve out the time to begin the home business they were afraid to try in their younger years or to monetize a hobby or passion. Very likely, they will be working from home, and as exciting…

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2 years ago

Money Advice for Women in Their 60s

For many women, the years after 60 are dominated by the transition into retirement. Finally, all the savings and investing you’ve been doing for decades feel real. Your last day at the office isn’t out of reach; you can start pulling money…

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2 years ago

Job Search Getting You Down After 60? These 6 Tips May Give You the Pick-Me-Up You Need

Looking for a job in your 60s can feel similar to riding a wave. On one hand, you may welcome the chance to hit the restart button on your career and gain a fresh sense of purpose…

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2 years ago

9 Signs to Know If Your Retirement Is on Track

It might be intimidating to invest money for retirement, mainly since it’s usual for soon-to-be retirees to worry about whether or not they’ll have enough money to support themselves in their later years. Several general guidelines can be used…

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2 years ago

Over 60 and Looking for a Job? Here’s 10 Tips to Get You Started

Looking for a job in your 60s can be a real challenge. For starters, you may not have expected to be in a position to have to look for work at this age. A six-year increase to the women’s state pension age in less than 10 years is a huge shift…

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2 years ago

3 Ways to Organize Your Financial Records as a Responsible Mature Woman and Have Fun Too!

The last quarter of the year can become quite stressful, especially for those of us over 60. In some parts of the world, October is filled with more outdoor events with family and friends because the weather turns cooler while the sun is still generous…

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2 years ago

Are You Financially Savvy? Here Are 11 Tips Every Older Woman Can Use

In any relationship, there is division of labour – one partner will probably do most of the cooking, the other will probably do most of the car-related stuff, and so on…

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2 years ago

Do You Really Want to Share a Financial Advisor with Your Husband?

In the case of a divorce, it may seem obvious why you don’t want the same financial advisor as your husband, but things get murkier when you’re talking about the assets you and your husband own together as you both age. Here are some reasons…

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