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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

7 months ago

Is “Divorce Month” a Real Thing?

Statistics suggest that people initiate their divorce actions in January (or February or March) either by filing for divorce, separating (moving out) or consulting with a divorce professional. Some people think “it’s a new year, it’s time for a new start…

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7 months ago

The Beginning of the End of Grief

After my husband died, I moved into a condo to pursue my new life. I recently threw a housewarming party to which 50 people from different parts of my acquaintance came. I hugged each one, offered a drink, and ran off to welcome the next one…

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7 months ago

Lonely and Married? Try These 5 Tips for Navigating Marital Challenges in Retirement

Embarking on the journey of marriage in retirement requires a nuanced approach to address the unique dynamics that emerge during this phase of life. I see marriage challenges come up all the time in my life coaching practice…

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7 months ago

10 Ways to Help a Friend Who Is a New Widow

Whether it comes unexpectedly or after a long illness, losing a spouse is traumatic at best. At worst it can be debilitating. I know because, at age 35, I became a widow myself. While many people want to help, it can be difficult to know how…

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7 months ago

4 Self-Healing Strategies to Manage Adult Child Estrangement

The first year after it happened, I was devastated. It was Mother’s Day and both my son and daughter, then in their late 20s, were using drugs and alcohol. I waited and waited for the call. Like all day. Nothing. I remember standing in the shower that night…

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7 months ago

Why Do Couples Divorce Later in Life?

Divorces initiated later in life have surged in recent years, marking a stark shift in marital dynamics. Younger couples find it relatively easier to part ways due to their upbringing in a society where dual-career households are the norm…

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7 months ago

4 Ways to Reconnect with Your Husband and Save Your Marriage After 60

Have you been married or with your partner for a while and want to bring the spark back before you get to the point of needing to save your marriage? Mark and I have been together for 35 years and married for 31 of them – yikes!

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7 months ago

Returning to Work After Divorce

When divorce occurs, what was enough to retire on, when you both lived in the same house, can become barely enough to live comfortably, or worse. Many of my mediation cases involve a stay-at-home parent, usually moms…

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8 months ago

Navigating the Holidays with Grace When Dealing with Estrangement

As we embrace the holiday season, filled with its customary warmth and family festivities, it’s essential to recognize that this time can present unique challenges for parents and adult children navigating estrangement. If you are in this situation…

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8 months ago

7 Ways to Make Eating at Home Fun and Good

Eating at home can be better and more fun than dining out every day. In this article I share seven ways to make home food preparation interesting. For many years, it was my responsibility to feed our family of seven, three healthy meals a day…

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