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Our grandchildren and other family members are so important. Whether you are in a happy marriage or going through a divorce after 60, we can help! Let's talk about how to get the most from your family relationships after 60.

4 years ago

How to Get Your Confidence Back After a Silver Divorce

The end of a marriage, or any other relationship, when we are in our 50s forces us to deal with a whole slew of issues we were not expecting at this time in our lives. These include learning how to be single, possibly living on a reduced income…

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4 years ago

How to Connect with Young Grandchildren During the Covid Winter

As winter looms, many of us who’ve been able to socially distance with grandchildren outside are now grieving for the near future when the weather will prevent even that abbreviated interaction with our beloved progeny…

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4 years ago

Gathering Our Financial Family Around Us

Talking around the dinner table as a young girl is where I heard the story of my grandma Helen’s first husband. It turned out that 1941, the year of the Pearl Harbor attack, was also a year that will live in infamy in the history of my family…

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4 years ago

Parenting Adult Children with Mental Health Issues

Mental illness. The term itself is intimidating. For me, it brought back shrouded stories from my youth of friends and relatives who suffered the colloquial ‘nervous breakdown.’ Back then I didn’t know what that meant…

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4 years ago

Estrangement: The Secret So Many Hide

Estrangement – what an ugly, harsh-sounding word. Jarring to the ears, in fact. The dictionary definition of estrangement is “to turn away in feeling or affection, make unfriendly or hostile, alienate the affections of.” Estrangements are…

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4 years ago

Divorce: The Hard Way or The Easy Way

As expected, another casualty of the pandemic is that many couples are finding it challenging to be confined with their significant other without creating many opportunities for conflict. The end result is that the divorce rate in 2020…

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4 years ago

Facing a Lonely Thanksgiving? Try My 6 Ideas for Planning a Virtual Socially Distanced Celebration

Thanksgiving is traditionally celebrated with large family gatherings. We eat communally prepared feasts, share family stories, and spend hours indoors playing games, working puzzles, and watching televised…

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4 years ago

Virtual Activity Ideas to Do with Grandchildren

When the pandemic quarantine began in March, I figured I could do anything for two weeks. Then two weeks turned into four and four into eight, and here we are in October looking at a possible resurgence in numbers…

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4 years ago

Who Gets What When You’re Gone?

When one of my nieces was just a little thing, maybe 4 or 5 years old, she saw a spoon rack on her grandmother’s wall (my mother-in-law). It is one of those wooden shelves that holds tiny spoons my in-laws had collected…

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4 years ago

Love Is Eternal, but Life Isn’t! Facing the Chance of Becoming a Widow

Soon after my book was published, I attended a community luncheon. Several couples were seated at my table, and we introduced ourselves. After watching me for a few minutes, one wife suddenly exclaimed, “Oh, I saw your picture in Sunday’s…

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