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How Long Will This Estrangement Last?

By Marie Morin March 24, 2024 Family

Estrangement, the painful act of deliberately being cut off from someone close, casts a shadow of complexity over individuals and families alike. In this journey, we explore how recent research findings and heartfelt perspectives confront the poignant question: How long can one endure estrangement?

This article is for those who have been estranged and pine for reunification, whether hope is possible. Estrangement is a highly charged topic with polarizing perspectives and experiences. Research reports contributors cited by adult children include maltreatment and betrayal. On the other hand, parents relate attributions to external circumstances influencing their adult child’s cut-off. Interestingly, researcher and educator Kylie Agillias, author of Family Estrangement: A Matter of Perspective, includes the perspectives of the estranged and estrangers.

Given these points, it is fair to agree that maltreatment and abuse of any individual is intolerable. For adult children and parents who have endured abuse at the hands of their family members, it is not advised to seek reconciliation. Likewise, estrangement is a means to preserve one’s well-being where boundaries are essential. On the other hand, individuals whose experiences fall beyond maltreatment may desire reconciliation and resolution. This article hopes to emphasize and encourage those who grieve with the knowledge that you do not journey alone.

Varied Duration

Estrangement doesn’t conform to a fixed timeline; it dances across a spectrum, from fleeting moments of disconnection to enduring stretches of isolation. This variability echoes the emotional rollercoaster individuals traverse amidst the turmoil of estrangement.

Common Triggers

Unresolved conflicts, the deafening silence of communication breakdowns, and the chasm of differing values often incite estrangement. These triggers act as emotional landmines, detonating the duration of separation and leaving hearts wounded in their wake.

Impact on Mental Health

Long-term estrangement takes a toll on mental and physical health, breeding stress, anxiety, and depression. Time deepens these wounds, casting a shadow over the hopes of reconciliation and inner peace.

Role of Communication

In the void of effective communication, estrangement festers with each misunderstood word or strongly spoken opinion. Without the lifeline of open dialogue, the duration of estrangement stretches endlessly, a barren expanse devoid of connection.

Reconciliation Dynamics

Forgiveness, empathy, and mutual understanding flank the path to reconciliation. Yet these fragile elements are often elusive, prolonging the duration of estrangement as hearts yearn for the warmth of reconciliation. Dr. Karl Pillimer eloquently presents scores of individuals who traveled through estrangement and reconciliation. These successful reconcilers were able to have forward-facing relationships, abandoning the need to have the other acknowledge their version of the cut-off.

Family Structure Matters

Families should be a refuge of love and support. When contributors undermine the very structure of family bonds, the family stands fractured, its foundation weakened by estrangement. Without familial cohesiveness, the duration of estrangement stretches, leaving individuals with loss and grief.

Real-Life Perspectives

Short-Term Estrangements

Brief moments of estrangement sparked by incidents impact emotional well-being. Yet, as time passes and communication heals, these rifts can be bridged, restoring hope in the possibility of reconciliation.

Medium-Term Estrangements

The middle ground of estrangement stretches on, its duration measured not in moments but in months or even years. Amidst the stories of unresolved issues, individuals grapple with the silence, yearning for resolution.

Long-Term Estrangements

In the depths of long-term estrangement, time becomes a merciless foe, stretching into years and decades. Here, the scars of deep-seated conflicts and profound transformations fester, rendering reconciliation an elusive dream shrouded amid distant memories.

Factors Influencing Duration

Nature of the Conflict

The wounds of betrayal, abuse, and unresolved grievances concretize the hold of estrangement, prolonging its duration with each unhealed wound.

Personal Growth

With personal growth, individuals undergo profound transformations, reshaping their relationships and priorities. Yet the duration of estrangement stretches as individuals define their new identities and shift boundaries.

External Support

Without external support, the journey through estrangement becomes solitary, and isolation can stretch the duration. However, professional help offers hope, guiding hearts toward healing and reconciliation.

Coping Strategies

Therapeutic Interventions

In therapy, hearts find validation in the hold of estrangement, the duration of separation is shortened by empathy and understanding. Empathy is an opportunity for personal transformation. However, empathy is unwise in the absence of boundaries. Therapists and estrangement coaches encourage setting a fence around one’s heart, which provides a framework for growth and safety.

Communication Skills Training

Communication skills training and preparing for future opportunities with family members will provide a newfound grace. As dialogue and connection improve, the duration of separation will lessen. Confident communication skills also foster empowerment to weather disappointment or reconciliation.

Individual Resilience

Resilience allows individuals to find strength during the hardships of estrangement. The duration of separation can shorten by the determination to move ahead, one step at a time. Resilience supports individuals in sustaining desired outcomes.

Navigating Long-Term Estrangement


Self-reflection partners with personal growth to bring added support during the pain of estrangement. During the sting of an extended separation, self-reflection softens the burden of separation with healing and growth. Individuals exercising inner healing and growth, an ongoing practice of patience, grace, and gratitude, experience better mental health outcomes.

Mutual Understanding

The duration of separation is shortened by the tender bonds of empathy within the desire to see one’s family. Mutual understanding is where hearts find hope in each other after estrangement. Unchosen estrangement is a heartbreaking affair where the loss of the relationship status is a haunting daily reminder of grief.

On the other hand, the extended trauma of individuals who have been abused also carries the traumatic reminder. The ill family system at its worst, grieving what could have been – the hurtful elements of shared grief, loss, and unwanted memories. Healing is available when personal growth, self-reflection, interventions, and resilience enter the space of desire and duration.

Let’s Have a Conversation:

What has assisted you during your time of estrangement? What encouragement can you offer others hoping to resume relationships with their family?

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Joyce Ramsay

I stopped seeing my younger son because it seemed that after he married, I could not do or say anything right. I come from a long history of abuse and I guess my tolerance levels have lowered over the years and my appetite for disagreements has waned. I prefer the simplicity of relationships with people who show love and acceptance or my own company surrounded by the beauty of nature. It’s a tough choice I have made to aid my physical and mental well-being.


There are some instances when a person should not seek reconciliation. Some times people cannot be trusted to not cause more harm to a relationship. Do not judge if you have not been there,


Ethel, that is so true. Sometimes you have to move on. It is helpful if you can wish them well – far far away, lol. It seems to me that when we come from a place of ego and NOT love, this happens. It is challenging to keep egos in place.

I suppose I am not finding it just isn’t worth all the effort. If people need to move on, they do with my blessing.

Darleen a

The oldest brother sided with another brother’s ex who claimed my late mom accused her of being a bad mom. My mom would never say something like that. She also did NOT like my dad because he likes to give advice….she does the same but doesn’t like MEN giving her advice. She doesn’t like another brother because he’s got a form of autism and is not socially-comfortable with her. She’s alienated her kids from us by telling lies so none of us will ever get to know our nieces & nephews. Sadly, we will never reconnect with the oldest brother because he chose her over family.


Hi Darlene:
Thank you for sharing. Yes, this does sound like a very stressful family experience. It is sad when one family member resists being around others they might deem uncomfortable. I am sorry this happened to your family.

The Author

Marie Morin is a therapist and wellness coach at Morin Holistic Therapy. She helps women develop a daily self-care routine, so they overcome perfectionism and limiting beliefs and be their most confident selves. Marie is a grateful blogger and YouTuber. Find out more at and contact her at

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