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Chasing the Will-o’-the-Wisp: Finding Your Source of Inspiration After 60

By Betty Withrow June 01, 2016 Mindset

You know that elusive light that hovers over the wetlands in the twilight? It moves around and changes color, much as meteors do…

Never appearing for more than a moment in one spot, it represents the mystery of life in visible form.

You May See it Far Away, or Nearby

Sometimes, the closer you get to it, the faster it moves away. Or it may suddenly appear quite close by, tantalizing in its beauty. It may be accompanied by the sounds of frogs or night birds, making it even more appealing.

It may be any of a number of different colors, shapes, and sizes.

It’s like that when you are tuned in for inspiration. It may or may not be visible at any given moment. You run after it and it teases you, turning around to smile as it fleets off in the distance. Or, it shows up quite suddenly right where you haven’t been looking for it.

It Challenges You to Take the Next Step

By its very nature, inspiration keeps you guessing. It alerts you to the idea that there is more going on than you thought. It asks you to do something about the feelings it produces. You feel that there is something from beyond, maybe just out of range, that is coming to you for some reason.

Perhaps a distant melody on the breeze, or a color that lights up something in your emotions, the changing nature of inspiration is mysterious and wonderful.

Even when the voices are silent and there is only a dark night, the memory of an inspired moment can make the day go more smoothly, ease the feelings and make it easier to see the beauty of life.

It’s really a matter of showing up and waiting carefully with the respect and devotion that the Spirit deserves. In its own good time the answer to your question will come, the light will break forth and you will know.

When it is cherished and nourished, the brief moment of inspiration can become an eternal expression of truth that gives meaning to share. It is your right and your privilege to bring that expression to visible form.

Getting By is Not Good Enough

The world needs to know that there is more to life than just getting by, that there is a force that moves all of us and all of life in a hidden harmony that lies beneath all the apparent contradictions that crowd forward for our attention.

It’s what makes life good. It is what makes us happy to be people and to know one another.

Are You Ready to Take Action to Keep that Feeling Visible?

By doing so, you pass the message on to the world. Maybe you can create a representation of the mysterious force that showed itself to you, whether in writing, painting, gardening, or some other form of creative expression.

When others see and feel the same feeling that you did, it is one of the best things that can happen. You become enlarged as your message moves into other minds and hearts.

What is there about the inspiration you find in daily life that makes your message unique? You are the only one who can find the answer. Why did that feeling come to you, at just the time that it did? It’s your hidden companion, showing up to give you a hint of what more you can do. How can you help make that feeling something that others can experience, too.

What are the sources of inspiration in your life? Do you find inspiration in nature? Books? Cities? Please join the conversation.

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The Author

Betty Withrow is a creativity and life purpose coach, helping artistic and professional women to find a deeper engagement with their life processes, to use the skills and experience we have in creating a dynamic third-act life. Clarity of purpose, vivid life experiences, and a true sense of legacy are her special interests. She is the author of “Prevail: Seven Keys to Create a Personal Victory”. Visit her website

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