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Caregiving is a rewarding, frustrating, inspiring experience. Whether you are caring for an elderly parent or your partner, it's important to remember to also take care of yourself. We can help.

5 years ago

How to Look After Your Elderly Parents Without Taking Away Their Independence

There comes a time in most of our lives when we must take on the role of caregiver. For many of us, that time comes when our elderly parents can no longer look after themselves as well as they once did…

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5 years ago

How Caregiving Taught Me the Need to Plan for Aging

You may have taken care of an older relative in the past, but odds are, you’re a caregiver right now. If that’s the case, I say, “Good on you, and congratulations for stepping up.” Read More

5 years ago

Can Music Make Your Aging Parents Less Cranky? You Won’t Know Until You Try!

“Am I a bad daughter?” My friend Melissa asks this question often.

Frankly, her mom is… well… difficult. And Melissa is often left wondering if she could “do better” so her mom wouldn’t be so… challenging. Read More

5 years ago

Preventing Aches and Pains: 6 Ways to Make Caregiving Easier on Your Body

So much attention gets paid to the stress and emotional toll caregiving can take, but what about the physical side? Read More

5 years ago

Aging Life Care Professionals: 3 Things You Should Know Before Hiring One

The stress of caregiving often puts strains on families and relationships, not to mention the toll it takes on someone’s health. But here’s the thing, you’re not alone in this. Read More

5 years ago

7 Things Enlightened Employers Are Doing for Caregivers: On Which End Are You?

More than 42 million U.S. families, that is, 21 percent of households, experience daily limitations caring for a dependent adult. The economic value of these unpaid contributions is more than $500 billion, which is up from $375 billion in 2007. Read More

6 years ago

3 Resources Every Caregiver Should Know About

It’s good to feel needed, right? And everybody needs somebody. But for Baby Boomers, it can often feel like everybody needs you. Read More

6 years ago

Embracing Elder Care: The Next Generation of Talented, Passionate Women

We rarely take time to dwell on this, but at some future point, many of us will need assistance as physical disabilities, chronic illness, frailty, or dementia take hold. At the same time, the sad reality is that we may not have enough of a broad and well-trained healthcare workforce to take care of us…

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6 years ago

3 Things to Keep an Eye Out For When Visiting Your Elderly Relatives During the Holidays

Before you know it, the holiday rush will be upon us. Often, for adult children, it is one of the few times they get to see mom and dad during the year. Families can be separated by distance (and much more) and caregiving from afar can be difficult, stressful and time-consuming. Read More

6 years ago

How the Arts Can Reduce Anxiety and Be of Emotional Benefit to Older People

Createquity is an online think tank that helps make sense of the news and research in the arts world. Their review of the evidence that connects the arts with our emotions reveals four things:

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