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Sixty and Me is a community of over 500,000 women over 60 founded by Margaret Manning. Our editorial team publishes articles on lifestyle topics including fashion, dating, retirement and money.

Latest Posts By Sixty and Me

5 years ago

Bored with Life After 60? Here’s How to Get Your Groove Back!

Life after 60 was supposed to be all about exotic cruises and walks on the beach, stimulating conversations and amazing adventures. At least, that’s what the retirement planning TV commercials told us. So, when we reach our 60s, many of us are surprised to find that life at this age is… well, normal… dare I […]

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5 years ago

How to Make the Most of Your Money in Retirement by Wanting What You Have

Retirement can usher in a variety of mixed emotions with our financial stability being at the top of our list of concerns. Who can we trust? How should we manage our money?  How can I feel financially secure?

Join in our discussion as we ask these questions and more to financial expert Pam Krueger who has some great advice for women in retirement. Enjoy the show! Read More

5 years ago

Crush Your Comfort Zone and Get More from Life!

Do you ever feel like you are stuck in your comfort zone? Do you sometimes wish that you could break out of your routines and just explore, grow and learn a little more? Then, today’s video is for you! In it, I will share some tips for breaking your restricting habits so that you can […]

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5 years ago

The Power of Resilience After 60: Advice from a Cancer Survivor and Model-Turned-Author

Resilience is an incredible skill that every woman should endeavor to acquire. It’s the key to having a good life. My guest today is a woman who knows so much about the power of resilience – Valerie Ramsey…

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5 years ago

10 Supercharged Sleep Strategies from a Geriatrician

Poor sleep is just a natural part of the aging process, isn’t it? Absolutely not! In fact, a growing number of sleep scientists are publicly stating that good sleep is just as important at 58 as it is at 18. At the same time, there is no denying that our sleep patterns change as we […]

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5 years ago

Be Patient! 5 Ways Playing the Waiting Game Helps After 60

By our age, you would think that we would have learned how to be patient… but, for many of us, the opposite is true. With fewer years ahead of us than behind us, we are always in a hurry to get things done… and our long term social, financial and mental goals get thrown out […]

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5 years ago

Is Aging Stealing Your Life’s Spark? Here’s How to Light it Again!

Getting older is wonderful, freeing and profound. But, it is also challenging, confusing and tiring. So, today, I want to talk about what you can do if you find yourself feeling that the aging process is stealing your life’s spark. I promise, you will be surprised by some of the things that I have to […]

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5 years ago

Get Moving Again! Yoga for Seniors Practice w/ Focus on Spinal Health (Part 4/8)

In the second of Sixty and Me’s free Gentle Yoga for Seniors video series, yoga and biodynamic energetics guru Cat Kabira focuses on our neck and shoulders. In the third, our lower backs took their turn. Now, it’s our spines’ time to shine!

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5 years ago

Valerie Ramsey, 80-Year-Old Model Shares Her Healthy Aging Tips

Every woman deserves to look good and feel good. Of course, as we age our quest for beauty might take a bit more effort than we’re used to. Nonetheless, women can learn to recognize the beauty of aging…

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5 years ago

Fighting Aging Stereotypes is as Simple as the Words You Choose!

Age-based discrimination and aging stereotypes are nothing new. For most of modern history, older adults have been marginalized in society and turned into punch lines in movies and on TV. And, while it might seem like we are powerless to change society’s perceptions of us, the truth is that we have more control than we […]

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