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Toward the end of her 40-year career as a creator of science museums, Sheila Grinell began a “second act” as a novelist. Her debut, Appetite, appeared in 2016, and her second novel, The Contract, in 2019. She writes a monthly newsletter and engages with readers on social media.

Latest Posts By Sheila Grinell

10 months ago

The Beginning of the End of Grief

After my husband died, I moved into a condo to pursue my new life. I recently threw a housewarming party to which 50 people from different parts of my acquaintance came. I hugged each one, offered a drink, and ran off to welcome the next one…

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12 months ago

Short Story: A Mother’s Duty

“He says there are too many syllables in my name. ‘Ste-pha-nie Pe-zott-a.’ He’s right, Ma. You should’ve picked something short, like Dove.” Arlene clamped her mouth shut as she finished loading the dishwasher while her daughter leaned against…

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1 year ago

Yoga’s Not What It Used to Be

There are two yoga books on my shelf, both with the number 50 in the title. One was a 50th birthday present from my sister, and the other was co-written by one of my favorite yoga teachers, Desiree Rumbaugh. Glancing at my bookshelf…

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1 year ago

My Adult Son Thinks I’m Old

We were hiking up a hill in my neighborhood after dinner. Night had fallen, but porchlights on nearby houses and a lone streetlamp lit the way. Michael, my son, said, “You know, Mom, you shouldn’t be doing this…

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2 years ago

The Charms of Living Alone

My friend, Marcia, is a vigorous woman in her early 80s. Thirty years ago, she moved into an apartment on Manhattan’s upper East side. Last year, I visited her place for the first time. There were bars outside her ground floor windows…

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2 years ago

Considering Wedding Rings: What Is Practical?

My husband passed away this June after a long struggle with Parkinson’s disease. Years ago, I had joined a group of Parkinson’s spouses who met monthly to support each other. We were all around the same age, going through the same quandaries…

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2 years ago

Pushing 80 and Loving My Body

Up until age 75, I felt 18 years old at the core. The girl I used to be still lived inside me and dictated my approach to life. That girl had always hungered to learn new things. She enjoyed traveling independently, taking a chance on whatever food and lodging…

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4 years ago

How We Celebrated Thanksgiving at My CCRC

Tom and I had a one o’clock reservation for a traditional Thanksgiving meal in the dining room. We were seated at one end of a rectangular table, with another couple we knew slightly at the other end. Although socially distanced…

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4 years ago

Covid-19 Report Card for My CCRC

There are seven residential buildings on our 22-acre campus, two of which house people in need of advanced levels of care. Last March, management here applied the State’s Covid-19 directives for nursing homes across…

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4 years ago

How the Chaplain Entertains at My CCRC

There’s a small auditorium – complete with 164 upholstered seats, stage and proscenium, baby grand piano, and green room – at my CCRC. It doubles as a gathering place on weekdays and a chapel on Sundays…

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