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Rhenda Wilson is a wife, mother of seven, registered nurse, writer and advocate for seniors. She has worked in all area of senior care. Please check out her book Voices from My Heart and visit her website here Rhenda’s purpose is to give seniors a voice by listening, looking in their eyes, holding their hands, then acting.

Latest Posts By Rhenda Wilson

8 months ago

How to Find Joy in Growing Older

I often ask seniors what it feels to be old, and I receive a multitude of answers. One person told me they use the word “older” instead of “old.” To her it feels good to grow older, but not be old. Another person told me when her body…

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8 years ago

5 Life Lessons from the Classic Movie “It’s a Wonderful Life”

We closed out Thanksgiving Day by welcoming in the Christmas season with the movie, “It’s a Wonderful Life.” This movie provoked deep thought in me this time and I would like to share the lessons I reflected on this year. Read More