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About Perley-Ann Friedman, The Happy Cat. I now live on Koh Lanta, a small island in southern Thailand. I am enjoying my alternative lifestyle as I ease into retirement. I’m in my 60s, healthy, active, have red hair and totally love cats. I’ve consciously chosen to be positive and to continuously grow as I journey through life. Visit me at

Latest Posts By Perley-Ann Friedman

4 years ago

6 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Starting a DIY Project

Do It Yourself, or DIY, has gained popularity in the past few years. Basically, these are projects for making or repairing anything and everything – by yourself. DIY Projects offer a set of instructions, guidelines, steps, tasks, and so on, for making something. Read More

4 years ago

Locked Down in Paradise: Finding a Practical Way to Manage the Stress

Much like the rest of the world, Koh Lanta is locked down. No one can get off the island, and no one can get on. There are exceptions for medical personnel and food delivery…

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5 years ago

Internet Trends for 2020 and How They Impact Boomers

The Internet is still growing in leaps and bounds, even though it’s been around for a few decades. Every year, more and more of the things we do every day can be done over the Internet…

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5 years ago

5 Ways to Deal with Age Bias and Keep Your Self-Respect

I’m back in Ottawa, Canada, for a few months doing a technical consulting project. IBM, my usual client, called me in Thailand and made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. So out of retirement I came…

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5 years ago

6 Ways that Having a Pet Can Improve Your Life After 60

I’m a cat person. I’ve always had a cat and can’t image my home without one. My cat isn’t my pet, it’s a member of my family. I love coming home and having my boy run up to greet me, rubbing against my legs and looking up at me with his big wide eyes that say he missed me. No matter how difficult my day has been, I forget it all about it when I see his eager face. Read More

5 years ago

Stay Calm, Cool, and Collected When Traveling Over 60 and Enjoy Your Trip

Whether you’re traveling alone or with others, staying calm, cool, and collected makes your trip so much more enjoyable. The whole idea of a vacation is to have a good time as you experience something different…

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6 years ago

How This 60+ Canadian Traveler Almost Ended Up in a Chinese Prison

I may be over 60, retired, and Canadian, but that doesn’t mean I’d willingly cause an international incident! No way I’m going to be in the spotlight, even if life is pushing me in that peculiar direction. Read More

6 years ago

Feeling a Little Grey? Here Are 5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Day

We all have good days and bad days, and sometimes the pendulum seems to be weighted towards the bad ones. As we get older, it can be a challenge to snap ourselves out of the doldrums, especially if we live or spend a lot of time alone. Read More

6 years ago

7 Great Reasons to Volunteer Overseas Over 60

So here we are at the next phase in our lives. We’re retired. Most of us are reasonably healthy, full of life and engaged in the world. We want to make a positive difference, do something special and meaningful…

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7 years ago

5 Positive Ways to Deal with Losing Family and Friends as You Age

People leave our lives all the time. There are so many reasons why they leave, and these losses do have an impact on us, whether or not people pass away, move away or a relationship brakes down. Read More