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About Perley-Ann Friedman, The Happy Cat. I now live on Koh Lanta, a small island in southern Thailand. I am enjoying my alternative lifestyle as I ease into retirement. I’m in my 60s, healthy, active, have red hair and totally love cats. I’ve consciously chosen to be positive and to continuously grow as I journey through life. Visit me at

Latest Posts By Perley-Ann Friedman

3 years ago

The Birth of My Happy Cat Koh Lanta NFT Collection, and I’m 68!

I took the plunge and created an NFT Collection in cyberspace to celebrate my passion for cats. Yes, even at my age I love to try new things, especially if I can do it creatively. Including Koh Lanta in the collection name was important because I’m very happy…

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3 years ago

What on Earth Are NFTs? Simplified for Those of Us Over 60

NFT stands for non-fungible token, but what does that mean? And more importantly, should you care? The second question begs me to ask if you care about new trends in technology, currencies and collectables…

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3 years ago

5 Simple Ways to Make a Positive Impact on the Planet

“I’m in my late 60s; too old to make a difference!” I hear this all the time from friends as the reason for ignoring the changes taking place in our evolving world. “The media is full of climate change news, green-house gases, and how our garbage footprint…

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3 years ago

You Wouldn’t Believe My Fat Turtle Garbage Art!

I’ve been riding out the pandemic on a small island in southern Thailand. I opted to stay put at my winter home, not returning to Canada at the start of the Covid-19 lockdowns. To keep busy on this remote island, I started cleaning the beaches by picking up garbage during my daily beach walks. The […]

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3 years ago

Locked Down in My Home Away from Home

By March 2020, the Covid pandemic had hit Thailand (where I was living at the time), and the country started implementing lockdown restrictions. I had to make a big decision. Do I stay at my winter home on Koh Lanta, a remote island…

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3 years ago

How Picking Beach Garbage Lead to Creativity and Loads of Fun

I have a giant garbage art cat sculpture hanging on the side of my house, and I’m loving it. At sunset, the cat lights up and you can see it from way down the road. When you get closer, it mysteriously disappears. This is due to the wall around my house…

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3 years ago

6 Ways to Manage Uncertainty in Life after 60

Living with uncertainty is challenging, especially for those of us who are over 60. We have so many questions about the future. At times, it feels like we have more questions than answers. This can be very difficult. Some people can live with uncertainty…

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4 years ago

5 Excellent Reasons Why You Should Consider Volunteer Fundraising

Do you want to do something special, something meaningful for a cause you love? Are you thinking that you are ‘over the hill’ and that your useful days are over? Do you want to make a positive difference somewhere?

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4 years ago

7 Tips for Women Over 60 to Get More from Social Media

Social Media is mainstream and everyone is jumping on board. Many of us over 60 don’t really know what Social Media will do, but we are willing to give it a try. People say it will help us connect with friends and family, give us advice…

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4 years ago

5 Things to Break the Doldrums of Covid-19 Restriction When Over 60

You, me, and just about everyone on the planet is feeling the effects of the Covid-19 restrictions. There are many things we can’t do anymore, and this can make us feel isolated and lonely. For some, it causes lapses into a mild depression…

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