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About Perley-Ann Friedman, The Happy Cat. I now live on Koh Lanta, a small island in southern Thailand. I am enjoying my alternative lifestyle as I ease into retirement. I’m in my 60s, healthy, active, have red hair and totally love cats. I’ve consciously chosen to be positive and to continuously grow as I journey through life. Visit me at

Latest Posts By Perley-Ann Friedman

6 months ago

How to Calm Yourself Down When You’re Surrounded by Other People

We’ve all been there; suddenly stressed and needing a few minutes to calm down. But it is not easy, to find “space” for a time out when you’re with a group of people. This is especially true if you don’t want those around you to realize you are in an agitated state…

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9 months ago

How to Start Running After 60 in 6 Easy Steps

So you’ve decided to start running. I’m assuming you’re in good physical condition and injury free. Running is an excellent choice as it is one of the best cardio exercises for burning calories and strengthening the heart. You’re aware that other…

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11 months ago

5 Easy Ways to Keep Your Brain Active and Young After 60

Did you exercise your brain today? Most of us don’t even know what that means. We seem to overlook the importance of the brain and solely focus on the body when we think about being healthy…

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1 year ago

7 Reasons to Reuse, Repurpose and Recycle After 60

Have you got a stack of yogurt containers, microwave meal bowls or a shelf full of empty jars? Most of us keep food containers as we hate to throw them out. We figure that eventually we’ll find a use for them. Maybe we think a use will miraculously present…

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2 years ago

The Art of Dealing with Disappointment After 60

We all experience disappointment. Whether it’s caused by broken promises, health issues, financial distress, or by family arguments, disappointment comes visiting. We need to better handle disappointment so we can…

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2 years ago

5 Excellent Reasons Why We Should Volunteer in Our 60s (Consider #2)

Do you want to make a positive difference somewhere? Do you want to do something special, something meaningful? Most of us do, but often, we think it’s too late. We’re ‘over the hill’ and our useful days are over. I don’t know where to begin…

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2 years ago

6 Reasons We Need to Explore Our Sexuality After 60

Exploring our sexuality when we’re over 60 is not a joke. Society may laugh at the idea of people over 60 being sexual, but we are. We may not be the same as we were when we were younger, but we still have emotions and desires…

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2 years ago

Here’s Why I Retired on a Remote Tropical Island in Southern Thailand!

20 years ago, the first time I was on Koh Lanta, I experienced a monumental event. Not because I was on a tropical island for the first time, and not because I was new to Thailand, nor somewhere so remote. It was because of the brief overwhelming…

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2 years ago

5 Unexpected Benefits of Yoga for Women Over 60, Based on My Own Experience

Years ago, I did yoga weekly, at a local yoga studio, but, it was such a hassle getting there in rush hour traffic. So, I started going less and less, always finding a good excuse to skip the session. About a year later I started to feel pretty crappy…

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2 years ago

5 Reasons All Women Over 60 Should Love Trying New Things

I’m more engaged and excited about what I’m doing than I’ve been in years. I’ve learned so much, met so many super people and realized that I can successfully explore my passions, even at my age…

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