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Peg Doyle is a healthy eating and lifelong wellness expert, recording artist, motivational speaker and author. She is passionate about the impact of quality food and a balanced lifestyle on women’s health. Her mission is to make healthy eating easy and appealing, using nourishment as a powerful tool for preventing the so-called diseases of aging. You can visit her website here

Latest Posts By Peg Doyle

4 years ago

How Muscle Building Exercises Help You to Lose Weight After 60

Your base metabolic rate is the amount of energy needed to support the basic requirements of being alive. That includes pumping your heart, expanding and contracting the lungs, as well as powering your digestive system…

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4 years ago

Stay Healthy in Lockdown with Quality Food and Supplements

Most of us never dreamed we would still be as restricted as we are nearly one year after the pandemic made its appearance. But here we are… Even if you are lucky enough to have avoided contracting Covid, physical, emotional, and economic…

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4 years ago

How to Prepare for Bunion Surgery

I’m writing this post because bunion problems are so much a part of the Sixty and Me set, and I’m about to have one corrected. Years of ill-fitting shoes and high heels have not been friends to our feet, and mine have come to the point…

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4 years ago

Autumn Is Here – Should You Cleanse as a Woman Over 60?

Did you know that a cleanse is the best way to prepare yourself for autumn? As we grow older, we must limit the challenges that naturally come with any change, including that of the seasons. As a nutrition and lifestyle specialist…

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4 years ago

Re-Enter a Wider World: The Immense Value of Quality Nutrition After Self-Isolation

We’ve heard it all: avoid crowds, stay at home as much as possible, use hand sanitizer, spray your groceries and other packages, wear a face covering, and wash your hands with soap for at least 20 seconds. But how much have you heard…

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4 years ago

Spring Greens Can Give Your Aging Body a Boost: Learn How with These Tips!

Do you ever stroll through a garden or a forest in springtime, with sun shining down upon you, and you almost “see” the greens spring up before your eyes? These beautiful greens have been in a dormant phase for several months, just waiting for the soil to warm…

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4 years ago

Good Food and Healthy Immunity Are Your Best Friends During a Pandemic

Here we are, 60-plus, and my guess is none of us has experienced a global pandemic before. Initially hard to believe that a new virus could spread as rapidly as it has, we are now confronted by several realities…

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5 years ago

3 Critical Steps to Overcoming Emotional Eating After 60

I think we would all agree that eating well is key to health and a healthy weight. But getting to the eating well part isn’t just about the food. If it were, we would have far fewer overweight people today. Read More

5 years ago

18 Ridiculously Simple Ways to Eat Healthy and Avoid Dieting After 60

When actress Meryl Streep was recently asked to share her most important message for women, she kept it very simple: “Stop worrying about your weight.” Read More

5 years ago

Top 10 Food Trends for 2020 – Will They Change Your Life?

The start of every decade brings along promotions and trends of all sorts, many of which affect our food choices. Are you curious about the food trends expected to surface in 2020? Perhaps you have noticed some of them?

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