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Peg Doyle is a healthy eating and lifelong wellness expert, recording artist, motivational speaker and author. She is passionate about the impact of quality food and a balanced lifestyle on women’s health. Her mission is to make healthy eating easy and appealing, using nourishment as a powerful tool for preventing the so-called diseases of aging. You can visit her website here

Latest Posts By Peg Doyle

2 years ago

7 “No Diet” Healthy Eating Secrets from Our Sisters in Europe

In the never ending quest to reach a desirable weight, some cultures that are worth studying are the French and the classic Mediterraneans, i.e., Greeks and Italians. When adhering to their classical way of eating, people in both cultures generally do not have…

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2 years ago

Social Anxiety – Do You Have It?

I’ve been a volunteer for an environmental action group for a while now. I recently received an invitation to their annual social with a note to bring a guest or guests. I RSVP’d that I would be there since it was a night I knew I wasn’t working…

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2 years ago

Feeling Restricted by Your Weight After 60? 5 Secrets to Getting Your Body Back

If you’re like most women trying to lose weight, you probably think you must restrict calories, exercise till you drop, deprive yourself of the food you love, and cut off all social contact…

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2 years ago

8 Things That Can Cause Joint Pain After 50

There is a piece of folklore about a 90-year-old man named John. He went to his doctor complaining of an aching left knee. The doctor looked at him and wryly said, “You know, John, you are 90 years old.” Without missing a beat John replied, “I know I’m 90, doc…”

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2 years ago

Give Your Aging Skin Some Love with Vegetables, Not Sugar

Your mom probably told you more than once to eat your vegetables, right? If your mom was like mine, she chopped and served fresh when she could. Our shelves along the basement steps were always stocked with canned green beans, corn…

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2 years ago

Preparing YOU and Your Pantry for the Spring and Summer Season

With the worst of winter storms and ice behind us, we can safely put the snow shovel and ice melt away for another year. Windows open for fresh air and flowers make their annual appearance in all their splendor…

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3 years ago

There’s Real Hope for Intermittent Fasting as a Weight Loss Technique for Older Women

By now, if you are a foodie or dieter, the term „ Intermittent fasting” has likely crossed your path. It’s a term that describes several types of fasting, but first, a word or two about this practice…

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3 years ago

Oops! Unexpected Gas and Other Midlife Tummy Troubles

Joanie confided to me that she was mortified on a fairly regular basis. “Why is this happening to me?” she asked. “I’m sitting with friends at a restaurant and let out a toot when I stand up to leave. It’s funny but also very embarrassing…

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3 years ago

Don’t Call Me Honey – Please

Honey. I didn’t like it when I was young, and I don’t like it now. Adorable? That’s for someone you might want to hold on your lap. Sweetheart? That’s for a special someone, not a customer in a grocery store. Old bag, crone, geezer, battle-ax, old-timer…

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3 years ago

Get Set for a Healthy Winter with These Nourishing Foods

Seasonal foods are nutritional miracles. When we eat locally, Nature provides just the right fruits and vegetables to match the season. In Spring we see our first greens in New England – lettuce, beans, spinach and kale. These foods have astringent qualities…

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