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Mary Lou Harris is a proponent of active living, community volunteerism and inquisitive travel. After a post age 60 retirement from a career in public service, she expanded those interests to include ultra-trail running, hiking and extended-stay travel. She can be contacted through her website or on Twitter at @stillarunner.

Latest Posts By Mary Lou Harris

2 years ago

Are you Growing Older or Growing Bolder?

There are a number of resources that I go to when I need an attitude reset or to experience another point of view. I look to podcasts and articles, Sixty and Me being one of my favorite go-to locations on the web…

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3 years ago

Are We Outliers or the Future Norm?

Like many others, my viewing of the Winter Olympics was scant. I did catch some of the beauty and athleticism of the pairs figure skating. I also tuned in to the last day for the women’s downhill skiing. It was exhilarating to watch the skill and speed…

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3 years ago

Recycling, Reusing, Expanding – Beyond Paper, Plastic and Glass

Recycling and reuse have been a part of our lives for as long as I can remember, but particularly since the 1990s when the recycling of some combination of paper, plastic…

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3 years ago

Need a New Identity? Reinvent Your Self!

There are moments in life when it is clear we are no longer the person we once were. Some of those moments are preceded by a gradual reckoning and arrive fairly painlessly; others are life-wrenching…

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3 years ago

Paying Homage to the First Known Writer, Enheduanna of Akkad

Once again, I ended the year by putting thoughts on paper, considering that the many books and articles I have read provided excellent storytelling, gave helpful information on health and wellness, or simply supplied poetic verses that pleased my soul…

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3 years ago

Where Have the Wheaties Gone?

There are products that have been with us since childhood. You know just where to find them on the shelf, in the grocery store, in the pharmacy or wherever you and your family shop. Or, do you? In grocery shopping over the past months, I would casually…

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3 years ago

Building on Experience and Sharing – Happy Birthday and Happy 100, Betty Reid Soskin

Photo credit: Luther Bailey/National Park Service The articles I have recently read about Betty Reid Soskin put me in mind of Mary Oliver’s poem The Summer Day with the closing lines: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? Soskin, throughout her life, seems to have understood […]

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3 years ago

Are You Old Enough to Know Better?

A friend who is 10 years younger than me and I have a running joke. Her mother sometimes disapproves of our joint outdoor adventures, so she will frequently say, “Mary Lou is old enough to know better,” all in a joking way. Recently, I arrived at a rural venue…

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3 years ago

Have You Fossilized Your Summer Vacation?

During a brief summer interval, it seemed safe to do a few-days’ jaunt to visit relatives. Traveling with siblings and visiting cousins, everyone vaccinated and practicing safety, we visited several sites. Just when you think there is little of interest…

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3 years ago

10 Sports Tips from an Icon: Kathrine Switzer

Back in 1967, when I would do no more than a jog around the park to enjoy the summer days, Kathrine Switzer was training for a marathon that would change the future of running for women. Against the wishes of Boston Marathon officials…

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