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Mary Lou Harris is a proponent of active living, community volunteerism and inquisitive travel. After a post age 60 retirement from a career in public service, she expanded those interests to include ultra-trail running, hiking and extended-stay travel. She can be contacted through her website or on Twitter at @stillarunner.

Latest Posts By Mary Lou Harris

8 months ago

Have Fun Moving through the Winter

We’re into our second full month of winter. I don’t need a calendar to tell me this. When I have misplaced one half of each of my two favorite pairs of gloves, we have passed the half-way point of winter. Thus far, my favorite hats are still accounted…

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9 months ago

We’ve Known Success, Now Let’s Test Our Weaknesses

After a lifetime of multiple careers, many of us worked with a high level of skill. Competence was necessary. Now, in retirement, how about indulging ourselves in hobbies, projects, or activities where we are less than competent?

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10 months ago

7 Longevity Areas Next Generations Will Need to Consider

You may have seen the report from the Stanford Center on Longevity titled the New Map of Life. It is written not only with longevity of us, the baby boomers, but more futuristically benefitting our grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We are only the beginning…

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11 months ago

Don’t Let the “What If’s” of Traveling Solo Hold You Back!

Traveling solo can be an enriching and affirming experience. It can also be filled with worry and anxiety if we let self-doubt cloud our journey. Take on the ‘what if’s’ by planning ahead and putting yourself in charge of the resolutions to possible problems…

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1 year ago

How Long Have You Been on Your Own?

I was visiting in the UK, traveling by train between Manchester and Shrewsbury en route to Wales. Seated in one of those foursome seats with a table between, I shared conversation with two women traveling from different locations in England…

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1 year ago

Heart Rate Variability – How to Use with Heart Rhythm Meditation

As a non-medical person, I’m always interested in learning more of practices for wellbeing. Last year, I became aware of the term Heart Rate Variability (HRV). The term came to my attention first through a heart rhythm meditation (HRM) study I was invited…

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2 years ago

A Sampling of End-Of-Year Celebrations and Traditions

The end of one year and the beginning of the next is surrounded with many traditions involving celebrations and food. Perhaps you’re accustomed as I have been, to heading downtown to watch a few fireworks, or joining your family around the television…

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2 years ago

I Resolve to be Less Serious

Considering the serious issues most of us have dealt with over the last couple of years, I need to take a deep breath and find something a little lighthearted as I move into January. I am planning to begin the New Year, 2023, with a couple not so serious resolutions…

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2 years ago

Sweet Sleep and Dreams – And the Benefits

I’ve had a book on the bedside table for a year or so, slowly reading it chapter by chapter. I started and finished many other books in the meantime, but this one was not to be hurried through. The book, Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams…

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2 years ago

On Regrets… A Book Review of The Midnight Library (A Library Like No Other)

The Midnight Library by Matt Haig is a worthwhile, thought-provoking and sometimes humorous read. Although his novel is set primarily in Bedford, England, the main character, Nora, does a form of time travel to several locations as she waffles…

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