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Marie Burns, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®), advocates for women’s financial health. She is an author of a financial checklist book series, speaker, podcast host and partners with clients to offer friendly financial advice in her independent practice Visit her at or

Latest Posts By Marie Burns

5 months ago

The Solo Journey Challenge

By choice or otherwise, 90% of us women will be left solely in charge of our household finances. Whether you become suddenly single through divorce or widowhood, the experience is a financial challenge. You may be dealing with half…

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6 months ago

Do You Have a Financial Housekeeper?

My passion for helping women get more comfortable with their finances may at times come across as being bossy. Forgive me. I have been on the other side with too many women over the past 20+ years who experienced divorce or widowhood…

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6 months ago

What’s for Dinner?

“Death Over Dinner” is actually a non-profit, global “movement” started in 2013 that encourages people to gather over dinner and talk about what we want to happen when we die, which as their website says, is the most important and costly conversation…

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7 months ago

I Am Not My Body, Are You?

Not long ago, I came across the best sentence I have ever read related to lifestyle. It made me smile and then laugh. And now I have it posted on my Vision Board, in my calendar, on my bathroom mirror, in the kitchen, in my wallet and on my computer monitor…

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7 months ago

The Gift Women Really Need

When I shared the first draft of my financial checklist book with a publisher years ago, his reaction surprised me. “This is a ‘honey, I love you’ book!” he said. “I am going to get this book for my wife for Valentine’s Day and tell her that my gift will be…

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7 months ago

How to Love Your Family, Even After You’re Gone

In this month of “love” I think it’s appropriate to share a blog from Pastor Jack, from Avondale Baptist Church in Arizona. He wrote a blog for his congregation a few years ago about how to love your wife even after you’re gone and I requested…

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8 months ago

“Planuary” a Better Approach to the New Year?

Are you sick of it yet… all the tips and tricks for making New Year’s Resolutions? And at the same time, all of the depressing stats on how quickly we fail (by mid-January!) at keeping those resolutions? Don’t get me wrong. I am a huge fan…

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9 months ago

Grandma School Part 3: Seeing Life Through the Eyes of a Child

To wrap up the grandma school series, but also kick off the new year, Dr. Jill has some final experiences to share for those of us with young grandchildren. As a Mimi myself, I bring my “Mimi’s Travel Bag” that I fill with activities to do with our grandchildren…

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9 months ago

Christmas Tea and Other Holiday Traditions

Whatever reasons contributed to the popularity of Christmas Tea, I am in favor. It’s one of those ‘forced pauses’ that allows us to ‘stop and smell the roses’ over the holidays. During the hustle and bustle of this busy time of year, a pause is always a good thing…

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10 months ago

Grandma School Part 2: Teaching What Schools Cannot

What better time than the holidays, when hopefully we are seeing our grandchildren even more, to continue our focus on maximizing our playtime with the young ones. How about a fun time together AND nurturing better brain development?

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