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Margaret Manning is the founder of Sixty and Me. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker. Margaret is passionate about building dynamic and engaged communities that improve lives and change perceptions. Margaret can be contacted at

Latest Posts By Margaret Manning

8 years ago

Planning Your Own Funeral? Here Are 3 Important Things to Consider (Video)

On the surface, the concept of planning your own funeral sounds pretty depressing. After all, who wants to admit that they are mortal? Even those of us who accept the fact that we will one day no longer be on this beautiful planet, don’t like to think about it too often. Read More

8 years ago

The Man in Seat 61 on Train Travel in Europe as an Older Adult (Video)

One thing that I know about the women in our community is that we love to travel. Of course, we may not always get to jet off to exotic destinations, but, we take every opportunity that we can to see the world. This could include taking a cruise, traveling by train or just driving to see the grandkids in the next city. Read More

8 years ago

5 Ways that Palliative Care Improves the Quality of Life for Terminally Ill Patients (Video)

Most of us don’t think about palliative care until someone that we love needs it. In some ways, this is natural. No-one likes to think about their own mortality and it is even harder to imagine someone close to us suffering. That said, there are many reasons to talk about death, even if we are not yet directly impacted by it. Read More

8 years ago

Starting a “Death Cafe” is an Opportunity to Discuss Your Fear of Death (Video)

At some point in our lives, each and every one of us has a fear of death. This is completely natural. Perhaps you first thought about your mortality when you lost someone close to you as a child. Or, perhaps you started thinking about death as a teenager. Read More

8 years ago

Looking for a Sixty and Me Yoga Promo Code? You’ve Come to the Right Place!

By now, you have probably heard about our Sixty and Me gentle yoga and chair yoga videos. Perhaps a friend told you how they have helped her to get rid of her everyday aches and pains, while finding more energy. Or, maybe you simply went to Google and found our videos in the search results. Read More

8 years ago

6 Ways Grandmas Can Build Strong Relationships with their Modern Grandkids (Video)

Complaining about how things “were better in the good old days,” seems like a rite of passage for many grandparents. After all, through the lives of our grandchildren, we see firsthand just how much the world is changing around us. Read More

8 years ago

Cultivate These 4 Traits to Get More from Fashion After 60

In a previous article, I asked the women in our community to describe their personal style in 3 words. I absolutely loved all of your responses! That said, I also realized that I may not have been specific enough about exactly how to develop your own personal style. Read More

8 years ago

Women Over 60 Are Important – Let’s Start Acting Like it!

Society has a habit of understating the achievements of older adults. This is especially true for women over 60, who have to contend with the combined forces of ageism and sexism. Read More

9 years ago

Are You Thinking Too Much to be Happy?

Women over 60 have a lot on our minds. In fact, you could argue that, as a group, we are thinking too much. We worry about our kids, so far away and yet so close to our hearts. We obsess about whether we have saved enough for retirement. We wonder whether we will be able to stay healthy and fit in the coming decades. Read More

9 years ago

Introducing Death Café: How Talking Can Help You Overcome Your Fear of Dying

Ok, I have a confession to make. As much as I know that it is counterproductive, I often find myself thinking about death. Read More